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Southern Illinois University Carbondale
2024 - 2025 Undergraduate Academic Catalog
Volume 65, Number 1, March 2024
This publication provides information about the University. Primary attention is given to its academic programs, rules, regulations, and procedures. Students starting their collegiate training (first graded course from an accredited institution) during the period of time covered by this catalog (summer 2024 through spring 2025) are subject to the curricular requirements as specified herein. The requirements herein will extend for a seven calendar-year period from the date of entry for baccalaureate programs and three years for associate programs. If the students have not met their undergraduate educational objectives by that time or a change of major occurs, they will then become subject to current curricular requirements. Should the University change the course requirements contained herein subsequently, students are assured that necessary adjustments will be made so that no additional time is required of them. Where programs include requirements established by agencies external to the University, every effort will be made to follow this same principle so far as possible. Should subsequent curricular requirement changes work to the students’ advantage, they may elect to meet the new requirements rather than those contained herein. Should the University find it necessary to discontinue an academic program, the effective date, unless otherwise dictated, will be such that the last regularly admitted class would be able to complete the program in regular time sequence. This means four years for baccalaureate and two years for associate programs. A student who has withdrawn from the University may not be readmitted to a discontinued program.
The University reserves the right to change information contained herein on matters other than curricular requirements without notice when circumstances warrant such action.
The Undergraduate Catalog covers in detail questions concerning the undergraduate program of Southern Illinois University Carbondale for the period from summer 2024 through spring 2025. It supersedes Volume 64, Number 1.
Southern Illinois University
Southern Illinois University is in its second hundred years of teaching, research, and service. At the outset of the 1970s, Southern Illinois University became a single state system with two universities: Southern Illinois University Carbondale and Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. Southern Illinois University Carbondale also has a medical school campus in Springfield.
Southern Illinois University Carbondale (SIU) first operated as a two-year normal school, but in 1904 became a four-year, degree-granting institution. In 1943, SIU was transformed from a teacher-training institution into a university, thus giving official recognition to the area’s demand for diversified training and service. Graduate work was instituted in 1943, with the first doctoral degrees granted in 1959. There has been diversification and expansion of graduate programs across the University through the College of Agricultural, Life, and Physical Sciences, the College of Arts and Media, the College of Business and Analytics, the College of Engineering, Computing, Technology, and Mathematics, the College of Health and Human Sciences, the College of Liberal Arts, the Graduate School, the School of Education, the School of Law, and the School of Medicine. Combined, these colleges presently offer over 110 graduate degree programs.
In keeping with the state’s master plan, and with a commitment to enhance its Carnegie Doctoral/Research-Extensive University status, the University’s objective is to provide a comprehensive educational program meeting as many individual student needs as possible. While providing excellent instruction in a broad range of traditional programs, it also helps individual students design special programs when their interests are directed toward more individualized curricula. The University comprises a faculty and the facilities to offer general and professional training ranging from two-year associate degrees to doctoral programs, as well as certificate and non-degree programs meeting the needs of persons not interested in degree education.
SIU embraces a unique tradition of access and opportunity, inclusive excellence, innovation in research and creativity, and outstanding teaching focused on nurturing student success. As a nationally ranked public research university and regional economic catalyst, we create and exchange knowledge to shape future leaders, improve our communities, and transform lives.
In fall semester 2023, SIU had a total enrollment of 11,359, including 8,195 registered undergraduate students.
Carbondale is approximately 100 miles southeast of St. Louis, Missouri. Immediately south of Carbondale begins some of the most rugged and picturesque terrain in Illinois. Sixty miles to the south is the historic confluence of the Ohio and Mississippi rivers, the two forming the border of the southern tip of Little Egypt, the fourteen southernmost counties in Illinois. Within ten miles of the campus are located two state parks and four recreational lakes. Much of the area is a part of the 263,000 acre Shawnee National Forest.
The Carbondale campus, comprising more than 3,290 acres, has developed a 981 acre portion with woods and a lake as a site for its academic buildings and residence halls. The buildings are located in wooded tracts along two circular shaped campus drives, named for Lincoln and Douglas.
Board of Trustees and Officers of Administration
Board of Trustees of Southern Illinois University
J. Phil Gilbert, Chair, Carbondale
Ed Hightower, Vice-Chair, Edwardsville
Subhash Sharma, Secretary, Carbondale
Victor Ludwig (Student Trustee), Carbondale
Edgar Curtis, Springfield
Lauren Harris (Student Trustee), Edwardsville
Sara Salger, Columbia
John Simmons, Alton
Roger Tedrick, Mt. Vernon
Paula Keith, Executive Secretary of the Board of Trustees
Luke Crater, General Counsel
Duane Stucky, Board Treasurer
Officers of Administration, Southern Illinois University
Daniel Mahony, President
Duane Stucky, Senior Vice President for Financial and Administrative Affairs
Sheila Caldwell, Vice President for Antiracism, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and Chief Diversity Officer
Gireesh Gupchup, Vice President for Academic Innovation, Planning and Partnerships
John Charles, Executive Director for Governmental and Public Affairs
Kimberly Labonte, Executive Director, Internal Audit
Rob Patino, Director, Office of Technology Management and Industry Relations
Officers of Administration, Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Austin A. Lane, Chancellor
Sheryl A. Tucker, Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Jerry Kruse, Provost and Dean, School of Medicine
Paul Frazier, Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Costas Tsatsoulis, Vice Chancellor for Research
Jeffery Burgin, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
Susan Simmers, Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance
James Potter, Executive Director, University Communications and Marketing
Tim Leonard, Director Intercollegiate Athletics
Deans of Colleges and Schools
Eric C. Brevik, College of Agricultural, Life, and Physical Sciences
Hong Cheng, College of Arts and Media
Marc Morris, College of Business and Analytics
Stacy D. Thompson, School of Education
Xiaoqing (Frank) Liu, College of Engineering, Computing, Technology, and Mathematics
Robert D. Morgan, College of Health and Human Sciences
Camille Davidson, School of Law
Joddy R. Murray, College of Liberal Arts
John Pollitz, Library Affairs
View the University and Honors courses

Graduate Studies
The information on this website is related to undergraduate programs only. Find information about graduate programs by going to the Graduate Catalog.
Affirmative Action Policy
It is the policy of Southern Illinois University Carbondale to provide equal employment and educational opportunities for all qualified persons without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, status as a protected veteran, sexual orientation, gender identity, pregnancy, or marital status. View the Affirmative Action Policy here.