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Associate Provost for Academic Programs
Anthony Hall, Suite 220
1265 Lincoln Drive - MC 4305
SIU Carbondale
Carbondale, Illinois 62901
(618) 453-2121
Main Content
- UHON111 - Honors Colloquium
- UHON250 - Honors Enhancement Series
- UHON351F - Honors Seminar in Fine Arts
- UHON351I - Honors Seminar in Interdisciplinary Studies
- UHON351L - Honors Seminar in Human Health
- UHON351M - Honors Seminar in Multicultural Diversity in the United States
- UHON351O - Honors Seminar in Social Science
- UHON351S1 - Honors Seminar in Physical Science
- UHON351S2 - Honors Seminar in Life Science
- UHON351U - Honors Seminar in Humanities
- UHON388 - Honors International Experience
- UHON399 - Honors Independent Study
- UHON450 - Honors Topical Seminar
- UHON499 - Undergraduate Honors Thesis
- UNIV001 - Student Volunteer Community Service
- UNIV100A - Foundations of Inquiry for Dual Admission Program Students: Part one of three
- UNIV100B - Foundations of Inquiry for Dual Admission Program Students: Part two of three
- UNIV100C - Foundations of Inquiry for Dual Admission Program Students: Part three of three
- UNIV101A - Saluki Success
- UNIV101I - Foundations of Inquiry: Introduction to Agriculture, Food and Forestry
- UNIV101J - Foundations of Inquiry: Careers in Music
- UNIV101U - Saluki Success
- UNIV101X - Foundations of Inquiry: Introduction to Information Assurance and Cybersecurity
- UNIV102 - Strategies for Success Seminar
- UNIV103 - Learning and Metacognitive Strategies
- UNIV105 - Strategic Academic and Career Planning
- UNIV106 - Saluki Cents
- UNIV301 - Backpack to Briefcase
- UNIV301A - Undergraduate Research and Professional Development Seminar
- UNIV301B - Undergraduate Research Seminar
- UNIV358 - University Studies Work Experience
- UNIV359 - University Studies Occupational Training
- UNIV388 - Study Abroad Continuing Enrollment
- UNIV401A - Graduate School Preparation Seminar
- UNIV401B - Graduate School Preparation Seminar
- UNIV431 - Ancient Practices Senior Project
Open to underclass members of the University Honors Program. Special approval needed from the Director.
Six to eight week courses designed to complement the student's general education. Topics may include professional development, leadership, mindfulness practice, meditation, communication skills. These courses will help fulfill honors requirements in addition to UHON 351. Maximum of 6 hours toward degree.
For University Honors Program Members only. Topics vary and will be announced by the University Honors Program each time the course is offered. These seminars may be used to satisfy the University Core Curriculum requirement for disciplinary studies in fine arts. Registration is limited and students should contact University Honors Program for availability.
For University Honors Program Members only. Topics vary and will be announced by the University Honors Program each time the course is offered. These seminars may be used to satisfy the University Core Curriculum requirement for interdisciplinary studies. Registration is limited and students should contact University Honors Program for availability.
For University Honors Program Members only. Topics vary and will be announced by the University Honors Program each time the course is offered. These seminars may be used to satisfy the University Core Curriculum requirement for disciplinary studies in human health. Registration is limited and students should contact University Honors Program for availability.
For University Honors Program Members only. Topics vary and will be announced by the University Honors Program each time the course is offered. These seminars may be used to satisfy the University Core Curriculum requirement for Integrative Studies in Multicultural Diversity in the United States. Registration is limited and students should contact University Honors Program for availability.
For University Honors Program Members only. Topics vary and will be announced by the University Honors Program each time the course is offered. These seminars may be used to satisfy the University Core Curriculum requirement for disciplinary studies in social science. Registration is limited and students should contact University Honors Program for availability.
For University Honors Program Members only. Topics vary and will be announced by the University Honors Program each time the course is offered. These seminars may be used to satisfy the University Core Curriculum requirement for disciplinary studies in physical science. Registration is limited and students should contact University Honors Program for availability.
For University Honors Program Members only. Topics vary and will be announced by the University Honors Program each time the course is offered. These seminars may be used to satisfy the University Core Curriculum requirement for disciplinary studies in life science. Registration is limited and students should contact University Honors Program for availability.
For University Honors Program Members only. Topics vary and will be announced by the University Honors Program each time the course is offered. These seminars may be used to satisfy the University Core Curriculum requirement for disciplinary studies in humanities. Registration is limited and students should contact University Honors Program for availability.
Credit toward fulfilling requirements for the Honors Diploma or Honors Certificate for study at either accredited foreign institutions or approved international study or service programs. Final determination of credit is based on student's completion of assigned work. One to fifteen hours per semester, one to nine hours for summer, maximum of 21. Student must not be receiving credit through another academic department. Requirements: special approval by Study Abroad Programs, and the Director of the UHP. Course may be pass/fail at the discretion of the Honors Program. Students must complete LAC 288-Study Abroad Orientation prior to departure.
Preparation of a paper or comparable project under supervision of a faculty member in the appropriate discipline or director of the University Honors Program. Special approval needed from the Director.
Intensive examination and/or application of selected areas of interest. Topics will vary and may include such areas as service learning, servant leadership, or advanced study of UHON 351 topics. These courses help meet honors requirements, and may fulfull UCC or elective credit.
Preparation of Honors thesis or comparable project under supervision of a committee consisting of one or more faculty members in appropriate disciplines and director of University Honors Program. Not for graduate credit. Special approval needed from the director of University Honors Program.
Provides university students an opportunity to participate in community service activity. A maximum of one semester hour of credit may be awarded per year for thirty hours or more of community service. Credit may not be used for graduation or toward semester eligibility for athletics, financial aid, student loan status or University honors. Grade of CR only.
This online course supports transfer students who plan to attend SIU Carbondale and are participating in the SIU Dual Admission Program. Upon completion of this course, students will have started to prepare their transfer plans, built community among other prospective transfer students, and learned to cope with pressures affecting college students. Students will acquire these capabilities as they are introduced to potential academic and career tracks associated with the disciplines offered at SIU. Students will take from one to three credit hours each semester beginning as early as their second semester at a community college. Completing parts A, B, and C satisfies the University Core Curriculum, Foundations of Inquiry requirement at SIU.
This online course supports transfer students who plan to attend SIU Carbondale and are participating in the SIU Dual Admission Program. Upon completion of this course, students will have started to prepare their transfer plans, built community among other prospective transfer students, and learned to cope with pressures affecting college students. Students will acquire these capabilities as they are introduced to potential academic and career tracks associated with the disciplines offered at SIU. Students will take from one to three credit hours per semester beginning as early as their second semester at a community college. Completing parts A, B, and C satisfies the University Core Curriculum, Foundations of Inquiry requirement at SIU.
This online course supports transfer students who plan to attend SIU Carbondale and are participating in the SIU Dual Admission Program. Upon completion of this course, students will have started to prepare their transfer plans, built community among other prospective transfer students, and learned to cope with pressures affecting college students. Students will acquire these capabilities as they are introduced to potential academic and career tracks associated with the disciplines offered at SIU. Students will take from one to three credit hours each semester beginning as early as their second semester at a community college. Completing parts A, B, and C satisfies the University Core Curriculum, Foundations of Inquiry requirement at SIU.
The first-year seminar supports the transition of first-year students as they enter our research university. Special attention will be given to what it means to be a Saluki by exploring the richness of our history and traditions. In addition, upon completion of this course, students will be able to demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and behaviors critical for academic and personal success. Course materials fee: $18.
This First-Year Seminar supports the transition of first-year students as they enter our research university. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and behaviors critical for academic and personal success. Students will acquire these capabilities as they are introduced to the foundations of inquiry-the interests, assumptions, methodologies, and potential academic and career tracks associated with the disciplines of the College of Agricultural Sciences at SIUC. Sections will be limited to approximately 25 students each.
The First-Year Seminar supports the transition of first-year students as they enter our research university. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and behaviors critical for academic and personal success. Students will acquire these capabilities as they are introduced to the foundations of inquiry-the interests, assumptions, methodologies, and potential academic and career tracks associated with music. Students will explore what it means to be a music major, what careers they might pursue, activities, required skills, rewards, and expectations associated with majors in music, and how to navigate programs involving more than one school or college.
The first-year seminar supports the transition of first-year students as they enter our research university. Special attention will be given to what it means to be a Saluki by exploring the richness of our history and traditions. In addition, upon completion of this course, students will be able to demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and behaviors critical for academic and personal success. Course materials fee: $18.
The First-Year Seminar supports the transition of first-year students as they enter our research university. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and behaviors critical for academic and personal success. Students will acquire these capabilities as they are introduced to the foundations of inquiry-the interests, assumptions, methodologies, and potential academic and career tracks associated with the disciplines at SIU. Students will be exposed to concepts and terminology relating to computer security. Additional topics will include methods for identifying and avoiding common online security threats.
This course facilitates the reentry into the University of students who have been academically suspended. It provides assistance and support in pursuing their academic degrees, focusing on the acquisition of knowledge, attitudes and skills associated with successful academic performance, career and personal development. Restricted to Pre-Majors in their first semester following suspension.
This skills-based course encourages students to apply learning and metacognitive strategies to their academic pursuits. Topics include: approaches to learning, test preparation, academic goal setting, self-regulated behavior, developing an academic self-concept, becoming part of a scholarly community, active versus passive learning, and developing habits of mind for success. Restricted to students who have completed or who are exempt from UNIV 101. Academic advisor approval required.
This course is designed to introduce students to the process of finding a major that fits their interests and future career goals. Students will examine majors at SIU. In addition, they will engage in self-assessment, research/exploration, decision-making, goal setting, and action planning.
Now that you are at a University, you have many important decisions to make. Classes, friends, homework, social engagements and sports are all competing for your attention, your time and your energy. Underlying it all is your financial ability to support your commitments. Are you prepared? You will make hundreds of financial decisions as a student that will impact your day to day life and your financial wellness for many years to come. Knowing how to manage your money, identify your goals and take steps to make them happen are key to having Saluki Sense. In this course you will work on developing skills in setting financial goals, budgeting, understanding credit and loans, and avoiding financial hazards so that you are financially prepared for your future.
This seminar develops general skills that students need for success in the workplace, and enables students to connect their college experience to a professional work setting. Topics include: goal setting, money management, stress management, understanding the job market, networking, personal branding, preparing a resume and cover letter, interviewing, and workplace diversity. Satisfies the UCC Foundations of Inquiry requirement for students who have not successfully completed UNIV 101. Restricted to students with junior or senior class standing.
Explores the undergraduate experience with a special concentration on research proposal writing and professional development. Special approval needed from the instructor.
Interdisciplinary course that discusses research, critical thinking, and academic skills with a focus on contemporary scholarly topics. Students will analyze, discuss, and present research and primary literature. Students will design experiments and projects, and develop an original research or creative activity plan. Special approval needed from the instructor.
Work experience credit. Credit is awarded via program evaluation of prior job skills, supervisory experience, and (or) increased technical responsibilities and years of employment. This credit is awarded for documented (past) work experience. This course qualifies for SIUC Senior Institution credit. Restricted to University Studies majors.
Occupational training credit. Credit will be awarded via program evaluation of past upper-level non-accredited occupational education and training related to the student's academic and career objectives. Upper-level credit is defined as that which is determined to be equivalent to junior- or senior-level college coursework by the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts. This course qualifies for SIUC Senior Institution credit. Restricted to University Studies majors.
Continuing enrollment status for undergraduate students participating in an approved study abroad or travel/study program. Requires concurrent enrollment at host institution. Requires approval from the academic unit and study abroad programs. Mandatory Pass/Fail. This course does not count toward the 120 hours needed for graduation.
Prepares McNair Scholars for graduate school by developing academic and research skills. Overviews credentials for acceptance into an appropriate graduate program. Not for graduate credit. Explores the graduate school application process with a concentration on professional development. Special approval needed from the instructor.
Prepares McNair Scholars for graduate school by developing academic and research skills. Overviews credentials for acceptance into an appropriate graduate program. Not for graduate credit. Focuses on the graduate school experience of first generation/low-income/minority students. Special approval needed from the instructor.
Individual study, research or advanced studies in various topics related to life in the Ancient World. Restricted to advanced standing. Students must complete 9 credit hours of relevant course work (i.e. from the courses approved for inclusion in the Ancient Practices minor) before registering for this course. Special approval from the instructor is required.