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Contact Us
Associate Provost for Academic Programs
Anthony Hall, Suite 220
1265 Lincoln Drive - MC 4305
SIU Carbondale
Carbondale, Illinois 62901
(618) 453-2121
Main Content
- AGRI101 - Introduction to Agriculture, Food, and Forestry
- AGRI110 - Agriculture and Society
- AGRI259 - Technology in Agriculture
- AGRI300I - Social Perspectives on Environmental Issues
- AGRI323 - Career Development in Agriculture
- AGRI333 - Agriculture and Forestry Environmental Problems
- AGRI351 - Ideas 2 Investigation (i2i) Project Development
- AGRI388 - International Studies in Agriculture
- AGRI390 - Special Studies in Agriculture, Food & Forestry
- AGRI401 - Fundamentals of Environmental Education
- AGRI423 - Environmental Interpretation
- AGRI450 - Farming Systems Research and Development
- AGRI451 - Ideas 2 Investigation (i2i) Research Project
- AGRI481 - International Agricultural Seminar
- AGRI495 - Instruction in Agricultural Sciences
Course provides first-year students with information and skills necessary for successful transition into University life. Academic expectations, time management skills, advisement, campus facilities and services, professional and student organizations, college and campus activities are topics. Professional development and industry contacts will be provided through guest lecturers from the College, University and agriculture industry.
Credit Hours: 1
An introductory and general inquiry about the role and characteristics of farm and off-farm agriculture in our non-agrarian society. To acquaint students with important aspects of the various fields of agriculture and agrarian relationships to our society.
Credit Hours: 3
For credit earned in technical or occupational proficiency above the high school level (by School evaluation).
Credit Hours: 2-40
(Same as ABE/LAC 300I)(University Core Curriculum) Case studies (e.g., rural village in developing nation; small town in the U.S.; city in developing nation) are used to learn how different societies and groups deal with their specific environmental issues, and how culture and economic factors affect their perspectives and actions.
Credit Hours: 3
Explores the information necessary for a participant to enter into an agricultural career with government, business or industry. Participants will complete a personal skills assessment, a resume, research a prospective employer, complete a mock interview and negotiate employment.
Credit Hours: 2
An overview course directed at the environmental problems of food, fiber, and forest products, production and processing and their potential solutions. A team taught course within the College of Agricultural, Life, and Physical Sciences.
Credit Hours: 2
Students will work with faculty member(s) to develop a project of research to be completed in a subsequent semester through AGRI 451. Course will help students identify and propose a topic/area of research relevant to their academic interests and focused on a problem or challenge within the industries and stakeholders relevant to the majors within the College of Agricultural, Life, and Physical Sciences. The process to enroll in this class is highly competitive and enrollment is restricted to consent of faculty and i2i Review Committee. May be repeated for a total of two hours.
Credit Hours: 1
Course work undertaken as a part of an approved University residential study program abroad. May be taken for a maximum of eight semester hours per semester and may be repeated for a maximum of 16 semester hours. Special approval needed from the College of Agricultural, Life, and Physical Sciences or School within the college.
Credit Hours: 1-8
Assignments involving research and individual problems. Field trips.
Credit Hours: 1-3
(Same as FOR 401 and REC 401) A survey course designed to help education majors develop an understanding of environmental education principles and teaching both inside and outside the classroom. Requires field trip transportation fee not to exceed $25 per course registration. Prerequisite: Ten hours of biological science or ten hours of recreation and/or education, or consent of instructor.
Credit Hours: 3
(Same as FOR 423 and REC 423) Principles and techniques of natural and cultural interpretation. Two hours lecture, three hours laboratory. Prerequisite: ten hours biological science or ten hours of recreation. Requires field trip transportation fee not to exceed $40 per course registration.
Credit Hours: 3
An introduction to farming systems, which is an interdisciplinary approach to agricultural research and development emphasizing small farms. The whole farm is viewed as a system of interdependent components controlled by the farm household. Focuses on analyzing interactions of these components as well as the physical, biological, and socioeconomic factors not controlled by the household. Techniques of analysis are applicable domestically and internationally.
Credit Hours: 2
Students will complete the project proposed in AGRI 351, working through partnership with industries and stakeholders. Students may register for 1 to 12 hours depending on the depth and breadth of the project, working with a faculty member and i2i Review Committee to determine credit hours. Course will culminate with a presentation about their project at the end of the semester. The process to enroll in this class is highly competitive and enrollment is restricted to consent of faculty and i2i Review Committee. Prerequisite: AGRI 351. May be repeated for a maximum total of twenty-four hours.
Credit Hours: 1-12
Discussion of special topics relating to worldwide agricultural development. Special approval needed from the instructor.
Credit Hours: 1
Acquaints the student with different teaching environments and styles. Students will be expected to participate in instructing agricultural sciences courses. Restricted to junior or senior standing. Special approval needed by the instructor.
Credit Hours: 1-6