- MKTG304 - Principles of Marketing
An introduction to issues involved in managing the firm's marketing activities in a dynamic environment. Introduces and discusses how concepts such as branding, pricing, promotion, and distribution enhance customer value and satisfaction. Examines how firms leverage technology to improve the efficacy of both traditional and e-commerce marketing activities. Restrictions: College of Business and Analytics majors or minors, sophomore standing, or program approval required.
Credit Hours: 3
- MKTG305 - Consumer Behavior
Examines the psychological and sociological factors that influence consumption and decision-making. Studies the practical implications of consumer attitudes and behavior for such marketing activities as merchandising, market research, distribution, product development, pricing, branding, and e-commerce. Restrictions: College of Business and Analytics majors or minors, junior standing or higher; or program approval required.
Credit Hours: 3
- MKTG329 - Marketing Channels and Logistics
The methods and processes used within the business channel and ancillary structures in the five flows of products/services. Emphasis is upon marketing and managing both structures, members, and facilitating agents. Logistics relates to product/service flow from manufacturer. Measuring logistic costs, performance, and required transportation documentation are discussed. Prerequisite: MKTG 304 with a grade of C or better. Restrictions: College of Business and Analytics majors or minors, junior standing or higher; or program approval required.
Credit Hours: 3
- MKTG336 - International Business
Business activities of firms and social organizations are examined in an international/global environment. The course examines the fundamental concepts and principles of international/global business. It analyzes the marketing, finance, accounting, managerial, logistics, and production functions of international/global operations. It examines the changing technological environment as it impacts international/global business, including the realm of e-commerce. Prerequisite: MKTG 304 with a grade of C or better. Restrictions: College of Business and Analytics majors or minors, junior standing or higher; or program approval required.
Credit Hours: 3
- MKTG363 - Integrated Marketing Communications
The planning and management of marketing communication activities including advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, public relations, packaging and branding. The emphasis in the course is on strategic issues rather than tactical details. A consulting project involving a real client is usually required. Prerequisite: MKTG 304 with a grade of C or better. Restrictions: College of Business and Analytics majors or minors, junior standing or higher; or program approval required.
Credit Hours: 3
- MKTG364 - Digital Marketing
Introduction to digital marketing and marketing on the internet, including email marketing, social networks, search engine advertising and optimization, blogging, virtual communities, viral and affiliate marketing, mobile marketing, and online B2B communications. Focus is on how firms can use these new mediums to communicate with target audiences, deepen their relationships with online customers, and promote their products/services. Prerequisite: MKTG 304 with a grade of C or better. Restrictions: College of Business and Analytics majors or minors, junior standing or higher; or program approval required.
Credit Hours: 3
- MKTG380 - Professional Sales
Analysis of professional selling activities and how they fit into the firms promotional efforts. The course examines the dynamics of selling in traditional and e-commerce settings. The course emphasizes preparing the student via video taping to make sales presentations in business settings. Prerequisite: MKTG 304 with a grade of C or better. Restrictions: College of Business and Analytics majors or minors, junior standing or higher; or program approval required.
Credit Hours: 3
- MKTG391 - Diversity and Inclusion Marketing
This course focuses on the practical application of diversity and inclusion and their impact on marketing and the communication of brand strategy to diverse audiences, consumers, and an informed evolving society. Concepts such as culture, ethnic demographics, psychographics, and segmentation will be discussed as it relates to consumers' acceptance or rejection of companies and/or brands. Niche strategies are discussed along with their application. Prerequisite: MKTG 304 with a grade of C or better.
Credit Hours: 3
- MKTG401 - OmniChannel Retail Management
The course prepares students for careers in an OmniChannel global retail environment with the retailer goal of surviving/thriving. Students will learn to appreciate the effect of implementing operational improvements (in customer service, human resources, location, layout, merchandising, logistics, inventory visibility, order fulfillment, technology, security) has on the ability to accelerate profits. In the course we also discuss retailing trends, the globalization of retailing, the rapidly evolving retailing environment, and financial management for retailers. Prerequisite: MKTG 304 with a grade of C or better. Restrictions: College of Business majors or minors, junior standing or higher; or departmental approval required.
Credit Hours: 3
- MKTG405 - Brand Management
This course is about branding, and the ways brands acquire and maintain economic and non-economic value. During our time together, we will explore the origins, power, theory, meaning, relevance and practice of brands, brand development, brand metrics and brand management. Prerequisite: MKTG 304 with a grade of C or better. Restrictions: College of Business and Analytics majors or minors, junior standing or higher; or program approval required.
Credit Hours: 3
- MKTG435 - International Marketing
Analysis of international operations and markets. Emphasis on the factors influencing marketing to and within foreign countries and the alternative methods of operations open to international firms including e-commerce. Prerequisite: MKTG 304 with a grade of C or better. Restrictions: College of Business and Analytics majors or minors, junior standing or higher; or program approval required.
Credit Hours: 3
- MKTG438 - Sales Management
Analysis of the sales effort within the marketing system. Philosophies, concepts and judgment criteria of the sales function in relation to the total marketing program. Emphasis on the integration of computer- and Internet-based technologies in the strategic development and operations of the sales force. Prerequisite: MKTG 304, MKTG 380, and MGMT 304 with grades of C or better. Restrictions: College of Business and Analytics majors or minors, junior standing or higher; or program approval required.
Credit Hours: 3
- MKTG450 - Small Business Marketing
The purpose of this course is to prepare aspiring or current business owners to effectively market their goods and services. Students will learn to write and implement a marketing plan to manage a simulated multiproduct, multichannel, multinational company. This course will help students appreciate the impacts of marketing decisions on other functions within a company such as product development, production/operations, information technology, finance, and accounting. Students will learn to use financial and marketing research data to inform strategic and tactical decision making in the pursuit of creating. Prerequisite: MKTG 304 with a grade of C or better. Restrictions: College of Business and Analytics majors or minors, junior standing or higher; or program approval required.
Credit Hours: 3
- MKTG463 - Advertising Management
Deals with advertising from the viewpoint of business management. Discussion of integrated marketing communication and problems of integrating advertising strategy into the firm's total marketing program. Course discusses the role of advertising in different business environments such as technology driven markets and electronic commerce. Prerequisite: MKTG 304 and MKTG 363 with grades of C or better. Restrictions: College of Business and Analytics majors or minors, junior standing or higher; or program approval required.
Credit Hours: 3
- MKTG480 - Marketing Research and Analysis
The purpose of this course is to teach you the skills needed to execute marketing research projects or use marketing research information to make better marketing decisions. To do this, the course covers the techniques such as, determining if marketing research is needed, problem definition, research designs, survey design, sampling issues, data collection, and data analysis. The course also covers interpretation of results as well as recommendations for marketing managers/take-aways from the research. The deliverable for this course is a full marketing research report. Prerequisites: MATH 139; ACCT/ECON/FIN/MGMT 208 and MKTG 304 with a grade of C or higher. Restrictions: College of Business and Analytics majors, junior standing; program approval required.
Credit Hours: 3
- MKTG489 - Services Marketing
An exploration of the special challenges of services marketing, including analyzing and developing solutions for new service design and innovation; branding and selling services; service quality and customer satisfaction; infusion of services into manufacturing industries; service delivery and distribution including through intermediaries and electronic channels; self-service technology and smart services; pricing and ROI of services; and service failure and recovery. Prerequisite: MKTG 304 with a grade of C or better. Restrictions: College of Business and Analytics majors or minors, junior standing or higher; or program approval required.
Credit Hours: 3
- MKTG491 - Sports Marketing
The course focuses on the application of Marketing principles (Product, Price, Place, Promotion, and Partnerships) to the sports industry. Students will be introduced to analytical techniques and apply them to specific segments in the sports industry. Prerequisite: MKTG 304 with a grade of C or better.
Credit Hours: 3
- MKTG493 - Marketing Strategy
Integrates all marketing concepts discussed in core required marketing courses. The course is aimed at developing the student's ability to think comprehensively, and to apply marketing concepts in traditional and e-marketing problems. Prerequisite: MKTG 305, 329, 363 and 480 with grades of C or better. Restrictions: Marketing major or program approval required.
Credit Hours: 3
- MKTG494 - Data Analysis in Marketing
This course is designed to equip marketing and other business students with the ability to translate data into actionable managerial decisions. Students learn how to manage and analyze data, which is available to organizations more than ever before, through a systematic process which includes data management (preparing data for analysis) and applied quantitative analysis, including statistical models. The focus will be on decisions that marketing managers have to make on a daily basis including marketing mix decisions. Prerequisite: MKTG 480 with a C or better.
Credit Hours: 3
- MKTG495 - Internship in Marketing
Provides the student an opportunity to participate in an internship program coinciding with areas of interest. Course may be repeated in a subsequent semester, but only three semester hours may be applied toward the Marketing major. Additional credit hours may only satisfy the 300-400 level College of Business and Analytics prefix elective or general elective requirements. Mandatory Pass/Fail only. Not for graduate credit. Restrictions: Marketing majors, junior standing or higher. Special approval needed from the program.
Credit Hours: 3
- MKTG496 - Field Seminar in International Business
Coursework and field study related to international business issues. Students will complete coursework on campus and then travel to international locations (e.g., Europe, Asia, or South America) for scheduled business visits with companies operating in those locations (both international and domestic businesses). Students will also complete additional report writing upon return from their international trip. Fees: package cost for air transportation, land travel in and between countries, lodging, and some meals, in addition to tuition and on-campus costs. Prerequisite: MKTG 304. Restrictions: College of Business and Analytics majors or minors, junior standing or higher; or program approval required.
Credit Hours: 3
- MKTG499A - Marketing Insights
Provides the student an opportunity to participate in an independent study, or seminar coinciding with areas of interest. May be repeated for credit only when topics vary. Not for graduate credit. Prerequisites: MKTG 304, 305, 363, plus two Marketing electives, a 3.4 SIUC GPA or better in all Marketing courses and a 3.0 SIUC GPA or better in upper division College of Business and Analytics courses. Restrictions: Marketing major, junior standing or higher, special approval needed from the instructor and program chair in the semester prior to enrollment; or program approval required.
Credit Hours: 1-3