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Associate Provost for Academic Programs
Anthony Hall, Suite 220
1265 Lincoln Drive - MC 4305
SIU Carbondale
Carbondale, Illinois 62901
(618) 453-2121
Main Content
- PSYC102 - Introduction to Psychology
- PSYC102H - Honors Introduction to Psychology
- PSYC202 - Careers in Psychology
- PSYC207 - Peace Psychology--Harmony with Nature and Human Beings
- PSYC211 - Research Methods and Statistics
- PSYC222 - Effects of Recreational Drugs on Mind and Body
- PSYC223 - Diversity in the Workplace
- PSYC233 - Psychology of Gender in Diverse Context
- PSYC237 - Psychology of Crime
- PSYC250 - Lifespan Development
- PSYC301 - Child Psychology
- PSYC302 - Introduction to Neuroscience
- PSYC303 - Adolescence and Young Adulthood
- PSYC304 - Adulthood and Aging
- PSYC305 - Psychology of Personality
- PSYC306 - Positive Psychology and Human Strengths
- PSYC307 - Social Psychology
- PSYC308 - Psychology of Motivation
- PSYC309 - Psychology of Learning
- PSYC310 - Cognitive Psychology
- PSYC311 - Advanced Research Methods and Statistics
- PSYC312 - Sensation and Perception
- PSYC314 - The Brain and Emotion
- PSYC320 - Psychology of Work and Play
- PSYC322 - Human Resource Management
- PSYC323 - Organizational Psychology
- PSYC328 - Health Psychology
- PSYC331 - Psychopathology
- PSYC333 - Psychology of Women
- PSYC334 - Psychology of African American Experience
- PSYC337 - Introduction to Forensic Psychology
- PSYC340 - Introduction to Clinical and Counseling Psychology
- PSYC389 - Seminar: Selected Topics
- PSYC391 - Individual Project
- PSYC392 - Individual Project
- PSYC393 - Preprofessional Practicum
- PSYC394 - Undergraduate Practicum in the College Teaching of Psychology
- PSYC402 - Psychology and Medicine
- PSYC405 - Psychology and Law
- PSYC407 - Theoretical Issues in Learning
- PSYC409 - History and Systems of Psychology
- PSYC410 - Evolutionary Psychology
- PSYC411 - Applied Learning
- PSYC415 - Psychopharmacology
- PSYC416 - Recovery of Function Following Brain Damage
- PSYC417 - Neuroscience of Learning and Memory
- PSYC419 - Behavioral Genetics
- PSYC420 - Industrial/Organizational Psychology
- PSYC421 - Psychological Tests and Measurements
- PSYC425 - Psychology of Positive Parenting
- PSYC431 - Advanced Psychopathology
- PSYC432 - Psychopathology of Childhood
- PSYC440 - Advanced Personality
- PSYC441 - Helping Skills in Clinical and Counseling Psychology
- PSYC443 - Bilingualism
- PSYC444 - Second Language Acquisition
- PSYC445 - Psycholinguistics
- PSYC451 - Advanced Child Psychology
- PSYC453 - Advanced Topics in Developmental Psychology
- PSYC461 - Advanced Social Psychology
- PSYC470 - Psychology of Race and Racism
- PSYC471 - Judgment and Decision Making
- PSYC480 - Effective Correctional Practices
- PSYC489 - Seminar: Selected Topics
- PSYC499A - Senior Honors in Psychology
- PSYC499B - Senior Honors in Psychology
(University Core Curriculum) [IAI Course: S6 900] An examination of the variables related to the origins and modifications of human behavior using the viewpoints and techniques of contemporary psychology.
Credit Hours: 3
(University Core Curriculum) [IAI Course: S6 900] For University Honors Program Members only. An examination of the variables related to the origins and modifications of human behavior using the viewpoints and techniques of contemporary psychology.
Credit Hours: 3
A survey of fields of psychology from the perspective of available career options. Activities, required skills, rewards, and external constraints that characterize different career paths are practiced and discussed in relation to students' abilities and interests. Required of psychology majors, but open to any interested student. Prerequisite: None.
Credit Hours: 1
(University Core Curriculum) Peace psychology is a broad discipline that addresses human conflict and the need for peace in all arenas of life, including the need to establish harmony between nature and human beings. Key concepts, theories, research, and resolutions pertaining to peace, harmony, competition, and conflict (war, violence) from a variety of disciplines will be reviewed and discussed. Topics will include competition and conflict between different species, individuals, groups, and ethnic/cultural communities in regional, national, and international contexts. Although the theme of peace will be addressed from a psychological perspective, the course is of relevance to many different disciplines.
Credit Hours: 3
An introduction to the use of scientific methods in the study of behavior. Considerations of experimental design and methodology are integrated with the treatment of data analysis, interpretation of results and writing of a research report. Students will write a research proposal, conduct an experiment, and write a report of the experiment. Lecture and laboratory. Prerequisite: MATH 101 or UCC Math; PSYC 102.
Credit Hours: 4
Describes the physiological and psychological effects of substances used as recreational drugs for their psychoactive effects. Drugs discussed will include alcohol, amphetamines, cocaine and other stimulants, the barbiturates, methaqualone, the psychedelics, marijuana, tranquilizers, and the opiates. The purpose of the course is to provide the student with facts concerning the effects of these drugs and the potential for their abuse and physiological and psychological dependence.
Credit Hours: 3
(University Core Curriculum) Examination of factors affecting the full utilization of women, racioethnic minorities, older workers, disabled workers and workers with nontraditional sexual orientations in the workplace. Individual processes, such as group identities, stereotyping, prejudice; group processes such as intergroup conflict; and organizational processes such as structural barriers and informal integration will be studied. The class utilizes a lecture and small discussion-section format with in-class, team, and individual exercises and projects.
Credit Hours: 3
(Same as WGSS 233) (University Core Curriculum) The course examines how gender affects all aspects of our lives at the individual, societal and cultural levels. It will cover psychological theories and topics related to gender, and will examine issues of diversity, such as race/ethnicity, class, sexuality, disability and age as they interact with gender.
Credit Hours: 3
This course examines core concepts in psychology including the effects of biology, genetics, personality, development, learning, and cognition on behavior, with an application to criminal behavior. These theories will be used to analyze and explain criminal behavior depicted in a range of popular films.
Credit Hours: 3
Examines growth and development through the lifespan including physical, social, cognitive and neurological development. This course covers topics in each of these areas across infancy, early childhood, middle childhood, adolescence, early adulthood, middle adulthood, and late adulthood.
Credit Hours: 3
The biological and psychological development of the child from birth through puberty, and relevant research methods and results. Prerequisite: PSYC 102.
Credit Hours: 3
A survey of the role of biological processes in the behavior of humans and other species. Topics include structure and function of the nervous system, behavioral endocrinology, psychopharmacology, sensorimotor functions, sleep and waking, motivation and emotion, reinforcement, psychopathology, and learning and memory.
Credit Hours: 3
Examines interrelated psychological, biological and social aspects of development during adolescence and young adulthood based on a life-span perspective of development. Prerequisite: PSYC 102.
Credit Hours: 3
Examines the interrelated psychological, biological, and social aspects of development during middle and later adulthood based on a life-span perspective of development. Neuropsychological changes associated with normal and pathological aging will be considered. Prerequisite: PSYC 102.
Credit Hours: 3
The inferred patterns underlying an individual's unique reactions to the environment. Investigates the motivation, development, and methods of changing these patterns, and how personality processes are studied. Prerequisite: PSYC 102.
Credit Hours: 3
An introduction to a contemporary movement seeking to understand the nature of human strengths, characteristics, resources, and aspirations. Surveys this emerging discipline, emphasizing theory and practical applications promoting human potential. Topics include happiness, creativity, confidence, wisdom, and intelligence among other aspects of optimal human functioning. Prerequisite: PSYC 102.
Credit Hours: 3
Surveys contemporary issues such as love and friendship, shyness and loneliness, sexual attitudes and behavior, management of impressions made on others, attitude change and persuasion, leadership, group processes, aggression, and helping behavior. Prerequisite: PSYC 102.
Credit Hours: 3
Examines variables affecting motivation in animals and humans. Topics include motivation based on cultural processes as well as those based on biological needs. Prerequisite: PSYC 102.
Credit Hours: 3
Principles and laws of learning as derived from the classical and instrumental learning literature - acquisition, extinction, punishment, persistence, generalization, discrimination, motivation, drives, and incentives. Prerequisite: PSYC 102.
Credit Hours: 3
A survey of theory and research on attention, memory, language behavior, and problem solving. The principal orientation will be the information processing approach to the study of behavior. Prerequisite: PSYC 102.
Credit Hours: 3
A continued exploration of the use of scientific methods in the study of behavior. Topics include field and other quasi-experimental methods appropriate for use in settings in which the researcher can exercise minimal control and manipulation. Lecture and laboratory. Prerequisite: PSYC 211.
Credit Hours: 4
Surveys the structure and function of the sensory organs as well as the perceptual experiences associated with these systems (e.g., color perception, speech perception). Examines physical, neural, and chemical mechanisms responsible for sensory and perceptual experience. Prerequisite: PSYC 102.
Credit Hours: 3
Great advances have been made in understanding how the brain works in areas such as visual processing and memory. Recently, brain researchers have begun to turn their attention towards understanding emotions, given the importance of emotions to human functioning. This course examines the relationship between the brain and emotions. Prerequisite: PSYC 102.
Credit Hours: 3
The course is a survey and review of a variety of interdisciplinary topics related to the interconnection between human work and play. Course content includes theories of the function of play in human lives, the evolution and development of play and games, workplace design, motivating excellence and top job performance, and the relationship between working and playing in teams. Prerequisite: PSYC 102.
Credit Hours: 3
(Same as MGMT 385) An introduction to the development, application, and evaluation of policies, procedures, and programs for the recruitment, selection, development and utilization of human resources in an organization. Prerequisite: PSYC 102.
Credit Hours: 3
Applied human relations at work focusing on interpersonal and small-group behavior. Covers effective communication, employee morale, motivation, behavior modification, leadership and group dynamics, human relations and the law, and stress and coping. Prerequisite: PSYC 102.
Credit Hours: 3
Introduces students to the scientific principles and processes underlying the field of health psychology including interactions between biological, psychological, and social foundations of health. The course will provide clear connections between science and the real world to increase student understanding of how to live a long and healthy life. Prerequisite: PSYC 102.
Credit Hours: 3
An introduction to the major forms of psychopathology (e.g., depression, schizophrenia, anxiety disorders). Topics include the symptomatology of different mental disorders, their etiology from psychological, biological, and sociocultural perspectives, and issues pertaining to diagnosis and treatment. Prerequisite: PSYC 102.
Credit Hours: 3
(Same as WGSS 341) An examination of empirical evidence on the biological, psychological, and social functioning of women, describing women's roles, the genetic versus social determinants of women's behavior, and the implications for women's potential. Prerequisite: PSYC 102 or consent of instructor.
Credit Hours: 3
(Same as AFR 334) Course examines psychological characteristics of people of African descent, using an Africentric conceptual model. Theoretical models will be critiqued and empirical data will be examined. Selected issues include: critiques of research methodologies involving African descended population; African American identities and personality development, psychopathology, and cognitive development issues (i.e., language). Special approval needed from the instructor.
Credit Hours: 4
Exploration of several topics in forensic psychology. Topics may include, but are not limited to, landmark legal cases, career options in forensic psychology, fundamentals of forensic psychology, forensic assessment, ethics, mental health law, criminal and civil aspects of forensic psychology, police psychology, and children and families in the legal system. Prerequisite: PSYC 211 or equivalent with a C- or better.
Credit Hours: 3
Provides an in-depth understanding of the nature of two major specialties in the field of psychology: clinical and counseling psychology. Students will examine the historical origins of the two areas, study their major theoretical definitions, compare and contrast the areas, and sample empirical and practitioner activities unique to them. Prerequisite: PSYC 102.
Credit Hours: 3
Varied content. Offered as need exists and as faculty interests and time permit. May be repeated as topics vary. Special approval needed from the instructor.
Credit Hours: 1-9
Individual study, research or experience under the supervision of a member of the Department of Psychology faculty. Of all credits that a student completes for PSYC 391, 392, 393, and 394, a maximum of six hours from any or all of these courses may count towards the major. Mandatory Pass/Fail. Special approval needed from the instructor. Concurrent enrollment in another 391 section is allowed.
Credit Hours: 1-9
Individual study, research or experience under the supervision of a member of the Department of Psychology faculty. For use in those cases where the faculty member deems a graded course to be appropriate. Of all credits that a student completes for PSYC 391, 392, 393, and 394, a maximum of six hours from any or all of these courses may count towards the major. Special approval needed from the instructor. Concurrent enrollment in another section of 391 allowed.
Credit Hours: 1-9
Directed experience in human services or other activities relevant to psychology at a public or private institution, agency, or organization. The experience is on a volunteer basis. Enrollment must be approved in advance by the director of undergraduate field placements for the Department of Psychology. Mandatory Pass/Fail. Special approval needed from the instructor.
Credit Hours: 1-9
Supervised practicum in the college teaching of psychology for selected senior psychology majors. Of all credits that a student completes for Psychology 391, 392, 393, and 394, a maximum of six hours from any or all of these courses may count towards the major. Restricted to senior psychology major. Special approval needed from the instructor.
Credit Hours: 1-9
This course is an extensive review of psychology concepts as they relate to medicine and medical training. The overall goal of this course is to provide review of psychology concepts as they appear in the new form of the MCAT.
Credit Hours: 3
(Same as CCJ 405, PSYC 505) This course surveys psychological theory and research as applied to the cognitions, emotions, and behavior of individuals in the legal system. The implications of social psychology for legal settings, such as police departments, courtrooms, and jury rooms are explored.
Credit Hours: 3
An introduction to the major theoretical issues in learning and their importance. A brief review of the history of such problems will be followed by a summary of the current research concerning these issues. Traditional figures in learning theory will be considered within the context of their positions on specific questions. Prerequisite: PSYC 211 and PSYC 309 or equivalent or graduate status.
Credit Hours: 3
A review of the conceptual and empirical antecedents of modern psychology. Prerequisite: PSYC 211. Restricted to senior status, or graduate status.
Credit Hours: 3
The class provides an overview of major areas of Evolutionary Psychology and consideration of recent topics from related fields. Key concepts and principles of evolutionary psychology will be discussed in relation to cognitive, biological/neurological, developmental, personality, and social psychology. Topics include (but are not limited to): historical foundations of evolutionary psychology, research methods, problems of survival, challenges of sex, mating and marriage, parenting and kinship, group cooperation and conflict, and the applications of evolutionary psychology to modern life. Classic and recent theories and research findings will be discussed. Prerequisite: PSYC 211 with a grade of C or better.
Credit Hours: 3
An in-depth coverage of practical problems concerned with training to which the principles of learning derived from pure laboratory investigations can be applied. Prerequisite: PSYC 211 and PSYC 309 or graduate status.
Credit Hours: 3
A survey of the effects of drugs on the normal and abnormal behavior of humans and animals. A primary focus is upon understanding drug influences on behavior in relation to actions on the nervous and endocrine systems. Prerequisite: PSYC 302 or graduate status.
Credit Hours: 4
A survey of experimental animal and human clinical research as they relate to behavioral recovery following damage in the central nervous system. Recent theories and literature are stressed. Prerequisite: PSYC 302 or consent of instructor, or graduate status.
Credit Hours: 3
This course will serve as an advanced discussion on the research related to the neuroscience of how learning and memory operate. Topics will discuss how the principles surrounding learning and memory are explained in terms of cellular, neural systems, and behavioral levels. Prerequisite: PSYC 302 or consent of instructor or graduate status.
Credit Hours: 3
Provides an overview of the experimental and quantitative methods used in studying behavioral differences associated with genetic variables. Elementary aspects of genetics will be included in the course, which will examine several aspects of both human and nonhuman behavior. Prerequisite: PSYC 211 or consent of instructor, or graduate status.
Credit Hours: 3
Topics in industrial and organizational psychology; applications of psychology to human resource management, such as job analysis, performance appraisal systems, personnel selection and training. Prerequisite: PSYC 211.
Credit Hours: 3
Introduction to measurement theory and test development. Detailed coverage of selected tests from such areas as intelligence, aptitude and personality, and the use of psychological tests in various settings. Prerequisite: PSYC 211 or graduate status.
Credit Hours: 3
This course will provide a comprehensive overview of key concepts in parenting, the nature of parenting across the lifespan and specific challenges for parents with children in each of the developmental stages. We will discuss effective strategies for addressing these challenges in addition to programs and approaches that demonstrate a strong evidence base. Special focus will additionally be given to diversity issues, parenting in high risk families and in families with exceptional children. Prerequisites: PSYC 102, PSYC 301, or consent of instructor.
Credit Hours: 3
An advanced presentation of theoretical and empirical issues in contemporary psychopathology research. Explores the role empirical research plays in understanding the features of major psychological disorders and their treatment. Provides a broad understanding of the many factors that contribute to the development and maintenance of abnormal behaviors. Prerequisite: PSYC 211, PSYC 331 or consent of instructor or graduate status.
Credit Hours: 3
An extensive review and systematic evaluation of theories and research pertaining to the behavior disorders of childhood. Emphasis will be upon empirical data and the implications of these data for the classification and treatment of these disorders. Prerequisite: PSYC 211, PSYC 301, PSYC 311 or graduate status.
Credit Hours: 3
Advanced presentation of theoretical and research issues related to current issues in personality psychology. The overarching focus of the course is presentation and discussion of a scientific approach to understanding what personality is, how it can be measured, how it develops and how it relates to various aspects of individual functioning. Prerequisite: PSYC 211 or consent of instructor.
Credit Hours: 3
Provides systematic training in helping skills for students considering clinical or counseling psychology as a career. Students learn to identify and demonstrate such skills as paraphrasing, reflection of feeling, interpretation, and confrontation, and will use them in practice situations. Prerequisite: PSYC 211 and PSYC 340. Restricted to junior or senior standing in psychology.
Credit Hours: 3
(Same as LING 443) Examines the linguistic, psycholinguistic, sociolinguistic and educational aspects of bilingualism, particularly as pertaining to the care and education of bilingual children. Useful for teachers, speech therapists, doctors, psychologists, counselors, and others working with bilinguals. Practical applications and data-based research. Prerequisite: PSYC 211.
Credit Hours: 3
(Same as LING 444) Introduction to key concepts and major theoretical and methodological issues in SLA research. Examines major developments in SLA in the areas of phonology, morphology, lexis, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, and discourse and provides students with hands-on experience in describing and accounting for L2 data. An opportunity to design and implement a data-based study in an area of interest to students. Prerequisite: PSYC 102 or consent of instructor.
Credit Hours: 3
(Same as LING 445) A broad spectrum introduction to psycholinguistics. Topics to be covered include general methodology for the study of psycholinguistics, the nature of language, theories of human communication, language comprehension and production, first and second language acquisition, meaning and thought, natural animal communication systems, and language and the brain.
Credit Hours: 3
An assessment of concepts, methods, and research techniques within selected topic areas of developmental psychology. Prerequisite: PSYC 211 and PSYC 301, or graduate status.
Credit Hours: 3
This course explores a variety of areas in developmental psychology that involve some controversy, from infancy through adolescence. Issues central to understanding developmental psychology as a discipline or specific areas of research within developmental psychology will also be considered.
Credit Hours: 3
Critical examination of contemporary theories and research in social psychology. Practice in application of scientific findings to real-life problems of individuals and groups. Issues treated in depth are chosen for relevance to student's personal needs and career interests. Prerequisite: PSYC 211 and PSYC 307 or graduate status.
Credit Hours: 3
(Same as AFR 472) This course reviews the history and evolution of the construct of race as a psychological phenomenon. While the course will be largely psychological in nature, the pervasiveness of race in practically every sphere of life necessitates a multidisciplinary approach. The course will emphasize a theoretical and conceptual approach toward understanding the psychology of racialized thinking. Prerequisite: PSYC 211.
Credit Hours: 3
A survey of the academic field of judgment and decision making, its major methods, theories, results, and controversies. We will examine the generality of experimental results across various domains including gambling, clinical prediction, perception of randomness, and medical decision making. Prerequisite: PSYC 211 or graduate status.
Credit Hours: 3
(Same as CCJ 480) Exploration and evaluation of correctional intervention strategies developed for the sentencing of adjudicated persons. Particular emphasis on examining empirical research literature on effective correctional practices, including programs currently implemented in institutional settings, alternatives to institutional corrections, and community based programs. Prerequisite: PSYC 211.
Credit Hours: 3
Varied content. Offered as need exists and as faculty interests and time permit. Prerequisite: PSYC 211. Special approval needed from the instructor.
Credit Hours: 1-12
Intensive study in selective areas for students qualified for honors work in psychology. A research paper or equivalent will be required. Not for graduate credit. Prerequisite: PSYC 211. Special approval needed from the instructor.
Credit Hours: 3
Intensive study in selective areas for students qualified for honors work in psychology. A research paper or equivalent will be required. Not for graduate credit. Prerequisite: PSYC 211. Special approval needed from the instructor.
Credit Hours: 3