- SPED300 - Introduction to Special Education
An overview of characteristics of all types of exceptional children and youth including physical, mental, emotional and social traits. The course also covers the effects of disabling conditions in learning situations, and an overview of the history of special education including legislation and litigation. Restricted to undergraduate students (SPED 420 for graduate students).
Credit Hours: 3
- SPED405 - Introduction to Early Childhood Special Education Methods: Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers with
This course focuses on effective methods, materials and programs for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers with special needs, including IEPs, IFSPs, working with families, service delivery, case-management, transition planning, and curriculum methods and procedures. Prerequisite: SPED 412 or consent of instructor.
Credit Hours: 3
- SPED408 - Characteristics and Methods for Teaching Exceptional Children
(Same as EDUC 308) For pre-service teachers who serve children and youth with disabilities. The course focuses on essential disability characteristics, data-based decision-making, scientifically-based academic and behavioral interventions and strategies to differentiate instruction and accommodate learners with disabilities in general education classrooms.
Credit Hours: 3
- SPED409 - Cross-Cultural Studies
Seminar and/or directed independent study concerned with socio-cultural variables affecting the educational needs of children and youth with a disability. Prerequisite: SPED 300 or consent of instructor and department chair.
Credit Hours: 1-6
- SPED410 - Instructional Planning for Students with Disabilities
This course presents the learning characteristics of children and youth with learning disabilities, emotional/behavior disorders, intellectual disabilities and autism spectrum disorders. Instructional planning, classroom management and integration of related services will be examined. Prerequisite: SPED 300 or 420 or concurrent enrollment.
Credit Hours: 3
- SPED411 - Assessment in Special Education
Course covers general assessment information, norm reference testing, curriculum based assessment, adaptive behavior scales and issues relating to cultural diversity. Prerequisite: SPED 300 or 420, 410, or concurrent enrollment. Laboratory fee: $15.
Credit Hours: 3
- SPED412 - Introduction to Assessment and Curriculum Methods in Early Childhood Special Education
This course presents an introduction to child and family assessment and the development of child and family goals in Early Childhood Special Education. Topics will include types of assessment commonly used, rationale for assessment, methods of assessment, reporting assessment results, writing child and family goals. A fee for testing materials is required. Prerequisite: SPED 300/420 or concurrent enrollment or consent of instructor. Fee: $15.
Credit Hours: 3
- SPED417 - Behavior Management for Children and Youth with Disabilities
This course focuses on the implementation of behavior management strategies and tactics to be used with students with disabilities in a variety of educational environments. Prerequisite: SPED 300 or 420, 410, 411, 423, and must be admitted to the TEP as a special education major, or consent of instructor.
Credit Hours: 3
- SPED418 - Methods and Materials for Teaching a Functional Curriculum
This course covers the principles of curriculum construction, program development and evaluation, classroom organization, instructional approaches, strategies and materials for teaching a functional curriculum. Prerequisite: SPED 300 or 420, 410, and 423, and must be admitted to the TEP as a special education major, or consent of instructor.
Credit Hours: 3
- SPED419 - Academic Methods and Materials for Student with Disabilities
This course covers the academic methods, materials and strategies used with students with disabilities receiving special education services in school and community settings. Prerequisite: SPED 300 or 420, 410, 411, 423 and must be admitted to the Teacher Education Program as a special education major.
Credit Hours: 3
- SPED420 - Advanced Theories and Practices in Special Education
The course is an advanced survey of exceptional populations and addresses educational, social, legal, cultural, and community practices associated with individuals with disabilities, ages 0 - 21 years old. Restricted to graduate students (SPED 300 for undergraduate students).
Credit Hours: 3
- SPED421 - Reading in the Content Areas for Students with Disabilities
This course prepares pre-service special educators to deliver effective content area reading instruction to struggling readers with disabilities mainly in middle and secondary schools. Specifically, students will develop a knowledge base of research and best practices for developing academic vocabulary, reading comprehension, and background knowledge in science and social studies. In addition, students will develop a repertoire of teaching skills to provide instruction to struggling middle and secondary school readers. The course content will include: (a) designing and implementing individualized education programs in accordance with Illinois Professional Teaching Standards, LBS I Standards and CEC Common Core Standards; (b) developing and utilizing assessment tools to design and implement reading instruction in content areas; (c) identifying and utilizing evidence-based instructional strategies in academic content areas; (d) developing and integrating reading elements, writing and study skills instruction into content areas; (e) developing and implementing adaptations to assessment and instructional activities; and (f) identifying and using technology applications to design individualized instructional lessons, monitor instructional effectiveness, and to report results of student outcomes. Prerequisites: SPED 300, 410, 411, 422 and 423 with grades of C or better.
Credit Hours: 3
- SPED422 - Teaching Reading in the Elementary School
Examination of the reading process with emphasis on the factors and conditions that affect reading. Emphasis on the formulation of a philosophy of reading in relation to methods, materials, procedures, and evaluation for students with reading difficulties at the elementary level. Prerequisites: SPED 300 or SPED 420 with grades of C or better or concurrent enrollment.
Credit Hours: 3
- SPED423 - General Procedures in Special Education
Presents key provisions of Public Law 94-142 and subsequent amendments, including Individualized Education Programs (IEPs). Course content also includes principles of applied behavior analysis and effective instruction of students with disabilities. Prerequisite: SPED 300 or 420, 410, 411 or concurrent enrollment.
Credit Hours: 3
- SPED425 - Home-School Coordination in Special Education
The course covers techniques used in parent interviews, conferences and referrals by school personnel; due process and procedural safeguards for parents and youth with disabilities. Prerequisite: SPED 300 or 420, 410, 411, 423 with grades of C or better or concurrent enrollment.
Credit Hours: 3
- SPED430 - Secondary Programming for Students with Disabilities
Deals with modifications of and additions to school programs to ensure that they are appropriate to the needs of adolescents with disabilities. Content includes coverage of remedial and compensatory program models, transition programming, career and vocational education. Prerequisite: SPED 300 or 420, 410, 411, 423 with grades of C or better or concurrent enrollment.
Credit Hours: 3
- SPED431 - Work-Study Programs for Adolescents Labeled Severely Disabled
This course is designed to prepare educators and other human service professionals to assist adolescents and young adults with severe disabilities for community integrated employment options. Content will include community-referenced curriculum objectives, community-based instruction for employment and functional skill development.
Credit Hours: 3
- SPED490 - Readings in Special Education
Study of a highly specific problem area in the education of exceptional children. Open only to selected seniors. Not for graduate credit. Prerequisite: SPED 300. Special approval needed.
Credit Hours: 1-4
- SPED494A - Practicum in Special Education-Assessment
This course includes clinical experiences in public school and community settings in the selection, administration and interpretation of norm-referenced and curriculum-based assessments, adaptive behavior scales, behavior rating scales and checklists and issues relating to cultural diversity. Prerequisite: SPED 300 or 420 and 410 with grades of C or better.
Credit Hours: 1
- SPED494B - Practicum in Special Education-Functional Curriculum
This course includes clinical experiences in public school and community settings in planning, implementing and instructing a functional curriculum. Prerequisite: SPED 300 or 420, 410, 411, 423 and must be admitted to Teacher Education Program.
Credit Hours: 1
- SPED495 - Internship in Special Education
An applied experience for students seeking certification in special education through alternative or subsequent certificate routes. Students will be required to complete a set of activities and prepare a number of products appropriate for the special education program and/or students with disabilities being served in the internship placement. Students will be expected to complete a portfolio of products to demonstrate professional competence. Special approval needed from the Program Coordinator.
Credit Hours: 1-6