College of Business and Analytics
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Associate Provost for Academic Programs
Anthony Hall, Suite 220
1265 Lincoln Drive - MC 4305
SIU Carbondale
Carbondale, Illinois 62901
(618) 453-2121
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The College of Business and Analytics aims to prepare students to perform successfully in business and other organizations such as government and other not-for-profit organizations functioning within a changing social, economic, and political environment. Study provides the student with fundamental principles and practices of organizational behavior and allows the mastering of knowledge and skills for effective management. The curriculum provides a broad base for understanding business while simultaneously allowing in-depth study within an area of concentration and exposure to current information technology.
Students find business, governmental units, and other public institutions desire the professional education they receive in the college. The advanced curriculum and related programs provide students not only with a meaningful education but also with a means of relating that education to organizations and commerce.
The College of Business and Analytics and the three Schools of the College offer the following undergraduate degrees, minors, certificates. Unless otherwise noted, programs are only offered residentially.
College of Business and Analytics
- B.S. Business and Administration (online degree completion program only)
- Business and Administration, Minor (residential and online)
School of Accountancy
- B.S. Accounting (residential and online degree completion programs offered)
- Accounting, Minor (residential and online)
- Accounting, Certificate (residential and online)
School of Analytics, Finance, and Economics
- B.S. Business Analytics
- B.S. Econometrics and Quantitative Economics
- B.A. Economics
- B.S. Finance
- Business Analytics, Minor
- Economics, Minor (residential and online)
- Finance, Minor
School of Management and Marketing
- B.S. Hospitality, Tourism, and Event Management (residential and online program offered)
- B.S. Management
- B.S. Marketing
- Event Planning and Management, Certificate
- Hospitality, Tourism, and Event Management, Minor (residential and online)
- Management, Minor (on-campus and online)
- Marketing, Minor (residential and online)
- Public and Nonprofit Administration, Minor
The College of Business and Analytics offices are located in Henry J. Rehn Hall and classes are conducted in various buildings throughout the campus.
High school and preparatory school students are urged to follow a program which includes at least four units of English and four units of mathematics, with a substantial portion of the remainder of their study programs devoted to such academic subject areas as humanities, the sciences, and social studies.
For the programs subject to the policy of the AACSB International regarding acceptance of transferred credits, the college accepts college-level credit earned in business and economics courses from accredited two- or four-year institutions of higher education and counts such credit toward the 120 credit hours required for graduation. However, if such courses are offered at the lower division (freshman and sophomore level) at the institution where completed, only those courses shown below will be treated as equivalencies to college-or program-required courses.
Students may seek upper division transfer equivalency reviews. Courses being sought for transfer equivalencies are evaluated by the school director and/or faculty of the subject area for individual articulations. Only 300/400 level courses from AACSB accredited institutions will be accepted for upper division articulation.
Subject | Credit Hours |
Principles of Accounting | 6 |
Economic Principles | 6 |
Business Data Analysis (STATS) | 3 |
Legal and Social Environment of Business or Business Law I | 3 |
Business Communications | 3 |
The College of Business and Analytics admission policy shall be the same as that of the University. All qualified new students are admitted to the College of Business and Analytics with a specific program major classification, undecided business, or as an unclassified student.
Admission of students who do not meet the automatic admission requirements may be subject to conditions.
Students interested in the Accounting or Business and Administration online degree completion programs must meet the following conditions for acceptance:
- Completed 60 credit hours of transfer work with 2.0 GPA, or higher, and
- Completed (or in process to complete prior to program start) transfer course work for UCC/IAI core of Associate of Arts or Associate of Science, and
- Completed (or in process to complete prior to program start) course equivalents for ACCT 220, ACCT 230, ACCT 208/ECON 208/FIN 208/MGMT 208, CMST 101, ECON 240, ECON 241, ENGL 101, ENGL 102, MATH 139, MATH 140; PSYC 102 or SOC 108; or consent of the College of Business and Analytics.
Students enrolled in the Accounting or Business and Administration online degree completion programs within the College of Business and Analytics cannot be concurrently enrolled to complete a double major with any other College of Business and Analytics program or other on-campus program other than those offered online. Failure to follow advisement will result in removal from the online degree completion programs within the College of Business and Analytics.
Reentering and Southern Illinois University Students
Students who are currently enrolled or were previously enrolled at the University in a major outside the College of Business and Analytics may request admission to a Business and Analytics program. These students will be considered for admission to the College of Business and Analytics provided that they are in good standing with the University. Students with academic issues may be required to participate in an academic support program as a condition of readmission. Students may be asked to submit additional information to the College for consideration for admission. All materials must be received at least one week in advance of the start of the semester to be considered.
International Students
International students must meet admission requirements comparable to those of domestic students. While admission credentials such as ACT and class rank are generally not submitted by international students, applicants do submit credentials which reflect their achievement in some subject areas similar to those of the United States students. Beginning international freshmen as well as transfer students will have their applications and documents reviewed in a manner similar to domestic students for admission to the College of Business and Analytics by the Center for International Education.
Grade Point Average Calculation
In calculating a student’s grade point average for admission purposes for continuing, new, and reentering students, the admission office will follow the SIU grading policy and procedures for all collegiate (not remedial) work attempted at SIU and other collegiate institutions.
For College of Business and Analytics AACSB accredited majors and HTEM, graduation requires achievement of a 2.0 grade point average in all business-prefix (ACCT, BSAN, BUS, ECON, FIN, HTEM, MGMT, MKTG, PADM) courses taken at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. ECON 113, ECON 302I, and HTEM 256 are not calculated into the business-prefix grade point average. In addition, students must earn a minimum grade of C (a grade of C- is not sufficient) in each of the courses taken to satisfy the requirements for their major (Accounting, Business and Administration, Business Analytics, Finance, Hospitality, Tourism, and Event Management, Management, or Marketing), and students must earn a minimum 2.0 grade point average for those major courses. All majors in the College of Business and Analytics, including EQE and ECON, require each student to have a C average for all work taken at Southern Illinois University Carbondale and a C average for all major work taken at the University (2.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale). Students may re-enroll in a 100 or 200 level business course pursuant to the University course repeat policy. All 300 and 400 level business courses may be repeated for a grade only once without school director approval. Students may not repeat Business prefix courses (ACCT, BSAN, BUS, ECON, FIN, HTEM, MGMT, MKTG, or PADM) in which they have previously earned a grade of C or better unless required by the seven year rule for Accounting, Business Analytics, and Finance majors (see Accounting, Business Analytics, and Finance major sections for more information on the seven year rule).
A minor from the College of Business and Analytics, with the exception of Economics, requires students to earn a minimum grade of C (a grade of C- is not sufficient) in each of the courses taken to satisfy the requirements for their minor, and students must earn a minimum 2.0 grade point average for those minor courses. At least 9 Credit Hours of minor courses must be taken at SIU.
Majors within the college may not register on a Pass/Fail basis for courses used to satisfy requirements in the College of Business and Analytics unless the course is designated Mandatory Pass/Fail. Exception to this policy is based on extenuating circumstances as approved by the Dean.
It is of the utmost importance that required courses be sequenced properly. Sequencing guides for our residential programs are available from the college’s academic advisement office and are published in the College of Business and Analytics’ Student Handbook. Many of the courses in the 300 to 400 levels are restricted to juniors and seniors.
The Capstone Option is available to students who have earned an Associate in Applied Science (AAS) or equivalent certification in an approved business area degree and who have a cumulative 2.0/4.0 GPA on all accredited coursework prior to the completion of the AAS, as calculated by the transfer institution's grading policies. The Capstone Option reduces the University Core Curriculum requirements from 39 to 30 Credit Hours, therefore reducing the time to degree completion. See the Capstone Option page for more information on this option. Students who apply for Capstone will work with the Articulation and Evaluation office for approval of the Capstone Option and will complete a personal contract for a degree completion plan.
The College of Business and Analytics assesses College of Business and Analytics majors a differential tuition surcharge of 15% of applicable tuition for declared College of Business and Analytics majors. The College of Business and Analytics has a “minor program fee” for other than College of Business and Analytics majors that is equal to 15% of 15 credit hours of applicable tuition for declared College of Business and Analytics minors. This fee is billed in the semester the student declares the minor. All College of Business and Analytics upper level classes (300 and 400), including on-line classes, will be “restricted access” classes. Students identified as not being in a major or minor in the College of Business and Analytics must get permission from an academic advisor in the College of Business and Analytics. Without proper College of Business and Analytics permission, student may be dropped from registered courses. Non-College of Business and Analytics students are limited to six credit hours of 300- and 400-level business courses before being required to declare a minor, excluding the following majors: Computer Science (BA degree); Languages, Cultures, and International Studies (Foreign Language & International Trade specialization); Health Care Management; and Music (business specialization); and the following minor: Environmental Sciences. Majors which require more than six credit hours of business courses are required to declare a business minor. These majors may include, but are not limited to: Agriculture Economics, Chemistry (business specialization), Early Childhood Education, Child and Family Services, Fashion Studies, Journalism, Kinesiology, Plant & Soil Science (business specialization), and Recreation.
The College of Business and Analytics has adopted a policy for students whose only graduation problem concerns the 2.0 grade point average in all business prefix (ACCT, BSAN, BUS, ECON, FIN, HTEM, MGMT, MKTG) courses taken at the University. This is referred to as the Business grade point average (BUS GPA). Such students may petition to have a maximum of twelve credit hours of C-, D, or F grade(s) earned outside of the Professional Business Core and outside the major excluded from calculation of the BUS GPA. It should be noted that the College of Business and Analytics Forgiveness Policy is offered as a means of computing the BUS GPA for graduation purposes only and may not be used for any other purpose. Only students with a University grade point average (SIU GPA) of 2.0 or above are eligible to petition to have the College of Business and Analytics Forgiveness Policy applied for the purpose of BUS GPA calculation.
Students in the AACSB Accounting, Business Analytics, Business and Administration, Finance, Management, and Marketing programs must complete the University Core Curriculum requirements or have completed an approved Illinois Associate of Arts or Associate of Science. The following courses are required for these programs and will count toward partial fulfillment of these:
Psychology 102 or Sociology 108 (to satisfy UCC Social Science requirement)
Economics 241 (to satisfy UCC Social Science requirement)
Mathematics 139 (to satisfy UCC Math requirement)
Hospitality, Tourism and Event Management majors must complete the University Core Curriculum requirements. The following courses are recommended and will count toward partial fulfillment of these:
Psychology 102
Hospitality, Tourism and Event Management 256 (to satisfy UCC Multicultural requirement)
The professional business core, required of Accounting, Business Analytics, Finance, Management, and Marketing majors is comprised of the following courses:
Courses | Credit Hours |
Accounting 220, 230 | 6 |
Business 101, 202 | 4 |
Economics 2411, 240 | (3)1+3 |
Finance 2084, 2702, 330 | 9 |
Management 304, 318, 345, 481 | 12 |
Marketing 304 | 3 |
Mathematics 1391 and 1403 | (3)1+4 |
Management 2025 | 3 |
300-400 level CoBA prefix elective course (ACCT, BSAN, ECON, FIN, HTEM, MGMT, MKTG, PADM)6 | 3 |
Total | 47 |
Professional Business Core (online BNAD program)
The professional business core, required of all College of Business and Analytics students admitted to the online Business and Administration degree program, is comprised of the following courses:
Courses | Credit Hours |
Accounting 220, 230 | 6 |
Business 101, 202 | 4 |
Economics 2411, 240 | (3)1+3 |
Management 208 4 | 3 |
Mathematics 1391 and 1403 | (3)1+4 |
Total | 20 |
1See University Core Curriculum courses required for business majors.
2Finance 280 may be substituted for 270 and is highly recommended for Accounting majors. Finance 380 is suggested to satisfy the 300-400-level College of Business and Analytics elective for Accounting majors.
3Mathematics 150 may be substituted for 140.
4Also listed as Accounting 208, Economics 208, Finance 208, or Management 208.
5May substitute ENGL 291 or ENGL 290.
6Lower level courses articulated as upper level courses may not be used to satisfy this requirement.
AACSB: The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business International, 777 South Harbour Island Boulevard, Suite 750, Tampa, FL, 33602-5730. (AACSB)
- B.S. in Accounting
- B.S. in Business Analytics
- B.S. in Business and Administration
- B.S. in Finance
- B.S. in Management
- B.S. in Marketing
ACPHA: The Accreditation Commission for Programs in Hospitality Administration, P.O. Box 400, Oxford, MD, 21654, (416) 226-5527. (ACPHA)
- B.S. in Hospitality, Tourism, and Event Management