- MATH101 - Introduction to Contemporary Mathematics
(University Core Curriculum Course) [IAI Course: M1 904] Elementary mathematical principles as they relate to a variety of applications in contemporary society. Financial mathematics, probability and statistics, graph theory, voting, and other concepts. This course does not count towards the major in mathematics. Prerequisite: high school Geometry and Algebra 2 with a grade of C or better, and satisfactory placement score.
Credit Hours: 3
- MATH102 - Basics of Data Science
(University Core Curriculum) This course addresses the fundamental challenge of how to extract information from data. It focuses on a set of problems from statistics and data science such as describing the relationship between observations, testing hypotheses, estimating confidence, and prediction. Prerequisite: High School Algebra, some computer experience.
Credit Hours: 3
- MATH105 - College Algebra and Mathematical Modeling for Teachers
A course in college algebra designed for the pedagogical and content needs of K-8 teachers. Equations and inequalities involving linear, polynomial, rational, absolute value, exponential and logarithmic functions, and systems of linear equations; the algebra of functions (polynomials, rational, exponential, logarithmic), graphing functions; domain and range. Conic sections. Modeling and solving real-world problems and situations. Use of technology as appropriate to interpret data and create mathematical models. Core Standards Mathematical Practices will be infused throughout. No credit may be earned for MATH 105 if there is prior credit in MATH 106, 108 or 111. Prerequisite: Satisfactory placement score OR MATH 220 with a grade of C or better.
Credit Hours: 3
- MATH106 - College Algebra Enhanced
(University Core Curriculum) The course leads students through an intensive review of foundational algebra concepts followed by a careful study of functions (polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic), graphing, solving equations including systems. Credit is given for only one of MATH 106, 108, 111. Prerequisite: Three years of college preparatory mathematics including Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II, AND satisfactory placement score. Course Fee: $90.
Credit Hours: 3
- MATH108 - College Algebra
(University Core Curriculum Course) The algebra of functions (polynomials, rational, exponential, logarithmic), graphing, solving equations including systems. Not open to students with prior credit in MATH 106 or MATH 111. Prerequisite: Three years of college preparatory mathematics including Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II AND satisfactory placement score. Course fee not to exceed $60 is assessed to residential students which will cover additional instruction. Additional supplemental software is required. Platform is used for assessment and online access to learning aids and e-textbook.
Credit Hours: 3
- MATH109 - Trigonometry and Analytic Geometry
(University Core Curriculum Course) Trigonometric and inverse trigonometric functions, complex numbers, conic sections, polar coordinates. Credit is not given for both MATH 109 and 111. Prerequisites: MATH 108 or MATH 106 or equivalent, with C or better. New students must present satisfactory placement scores.
Credit Hours: 3
- MATH110 - Non-Technical Calculus
(University Core Curriculum) The elements of differentiation and integration. The emphasis is on the concepts and the power of the calculus rather than on technique. It is intended to provide an introduction to calculus for non-technical students. Does not count towards the major in mathematics. No credit hours may be applied to fulfillment of any degree requirements if there is prior credit in Mathematics 140, 141, 150, or 151. Prerequisite: 3 years of college preparatory mathematics including algebra I, algebra II and geometry with C or better. Students must present satisfactory placement scores or obtain the permission of the Department of Mathematics.
Credit Hours: 3
- MATH111 - Precalculus
(University Core Curriculum Course) Intensive review of college algebra and trigonometry necessary for Calculus I. Algebra of rational and transcendental functions, graphing, trigonometic identities, laws of sines and cosines, conics, complex numbers, polar coordinates. Not open to students with credit in 106, 108 or 109. Prerequisites: High school advanced algebra and trigonometry with at least C and satisfactory placement score.
Credit Hours: 4
- MATH120 - Mathematics Content and Methods for Elementary School I
(Same as CI 120) Modern approaches to mathematics instruction for the elementary grades. Mathematics content includes problem solving, intuitive set theory, development of whole numbers, integers and rational numbers and the fundamental arithmetic operations. Place value. Prime numbers and divisibility properties. Computation includes students' informal mathematics, mental computation and estimation, algorithms and the appropriate use of calculators. Emphasis is placed throughout on reasoning, multiple representations of mathematical concepts, making connections and communication. Three hours lecture/laboratory per week. Prerequisite: Three years of college preparatory mathematics including Algebra I, Algebra II and Geometry and satisfactory placement score.
Credit Hours: 3
- MATH125 - Technical Mathematics with Applications
(University Core Curriculum) Emphasizes the applications of algebra, geometry, and trigonometry in technical fields. Topics in algebra include unit conversion, functions and graphs, systems of linear equations, quadratic equations, higher degree equations, and variation. Topics in geometry include Pythagorean Theorem and area and volume calculations. Topics in trigonometry include the trigonometric functions, laws of sines and cosines, radian angle measurement, and some vector operations. Meets University Core Curriculum requirement in mathematics for Applied Sciences and Arts students.
Credit Hours: 4
- MATH139 - Finite Mathematics
(University Core Curriculum Course) Set concepts and operations, combinations, permutations, elementary probability theory including Bayes Formula, linear systems of equations, matrix algebra, row reduction, introduction to linear programming and simplex method. This course does not count toward the major in mathematics. Prerequisite: MATH 108 with grade of C or better or satisfactory placement score. Satisfies UCC Mathematics in lieu of 110 or 101.
Credit Hours: 3
- MATH140 - Short Course in Calculus
(University Core Curriculum Course) Techniques of differentiation, increasing and decreasing functions, curve sketching, max-min problems in business and social science; partial derivatives; LaGrange multipliers; elementary integration techniques. Not open to students with prior credit in 141, 150, or 151. Does not count toward the major in mathematics. Prerequisite: MATH 108 with grade of C or better or satisfactory placement score. Satisfies University Core Curriculum Mathematics requirement in lieu of 110 or 101. Platform is used for assessment and online access to learning aids and e-textbook.
Credit Hours: 4
- MATH141 - Short Course in Calculus for Biological Sciences
(University Core Curriculum Course) [IAI Course: M1 900-0] Techniques of differentiation and integration. Applications to population and organism growth and other biological science problems. Not open to students with prior credit in 150, 151 or 140. Does not count toward the major in mathematics. Prerequisite: High school advanced algebra and trig or MATH 111 or 108 plus 109 with C or better, AND satisfactory placement score. Satisfies University Core Curriculum Mathematics requirement in lieu of 110 or 101.
Credit Hours: 4
- MATH150 - Calculus I
(University Core Curriculum course) [IAI Course: MTH 901] [IAI Course: M1 900-1] Major concepts and techniques of single variable calculus with careful statements but few proofs. Differential and integral calculus of the elementary functions; analytic geometry. Only 2 hours credit toward graduation if there is prior credit in 140 or 141. Prerequisite: High school advanced algebra and trigonometry with satisfactory placement score, or MATH 111 with C or better or MATH 109 and one of MATH 106 or MATH 108, both with C or better. Satisfies University Core Curriculum Mathematics requirements in lieu of 110 or 101.
Credit Hours: 4
- MATH150H - Honors Calculus I
Treatment of the major concepts and techniques of single variable calculus, with careful statements, detailed computations, various applications, and some proofs. Differential and integral calculus of the elementary functions with associated analytic geometry. Not open to students with prior credit in MATH 150. If there is prior credit in 140 or 141, only 2 hours credit for 150H may be applied to graduation requirements. Prerequisite: MATH 111 or equivalent with a grade of C or better. New students must present satisfactory placement score or obtain the permission of the School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences.
Credit Hours: 4
- MATH151 - Calculus I Enhanced
(University Core Curriculum) [IAI Course: MTH 901] This course reviews some foundational algebra and trigonometry concepts as needed in addition to a careful study of major concepts and techniques of single variable calculus with careful statements but few proofs. Differential and integral calculus of the elementary functions; analytic geometry. Only 2 hours credit toward graduation if there is prior credit in 140 or 141. Credit is given for only one of MATH 150, 151. Prerequisite: High school advanced algebra and trig or MATH 111 or 108 plus 109 with C or better, AND satisfactory placement score. Additional Instruction Lab fee: $90.
Credit Hours: 4
- MATH220 - Mathematics Content and Methods for the Elementary School II
(University Core Curriculum Course) (Same as CI 220) Modern approaches to mathematics instruction for the elementary grades. Mathematics content focuses on (1) Algebra: rational and irrational numbers, ordering of numbers, decimal representations, percents, ratio and proportion, perimeter and area concepts, Pythagorean Theorem, concept of square root and nth root, exponent notation; (2) Geometry: triangles, quadrilaterals, polygons, angles associated with a polygon, reflectional and rotational symmetry, congruence and similarity, tessellations; (3) Transformations: translations, rotations, reflections; (4) Measurements: perimeter, area, surface area, volume, mass, temperature, and conversion of measurements. Emphasis is placed on mathematical reasoning, multiple representations, making connections, and communication.
Credit Hours: 3
- MATH221 - Introduction to Linear Algebra
Vector spaces, linear functions, systems of equations, dimensions, determinants, eigenvalues, quadratic forms. Prerequisite: MATH 111 or MATH 108 plus MATH 109 with C or better, or satisfactory placement score.
Credit Hours: 3
- MATH250 - Calculus II
(University Core Curriculum Course) [IAI Course: MTH 902] [IAI Course: M1 900-2] Develops the techniques of single-variable calculus begun in Calculus I and extends the concepts of function, limit, derivative and integral to functions of more than one variable. The treatment is intuitive, as in Calculus I. Techniques of integration, introduction to multivariate calculus, elements of infinite series. Prerequisite: MATH 150 or MATH 151 with C or better. Satisfies University Core Curriculum Mathematics requirement in lieu of 110 or 101.
Credit Hours: 4
- MATH251 - Calculus III
(University Core Curriculum Course) [IAI Course: M1 900-3] [IAI Course: MTH 903] Further topics in calculus. Definite integrals over solid regions, applications of partial derivatives, vectors and vector operations, derivatives of vector functions, line integrals, Green's Theorem. Prerequisite: MATH 250 with C or better. Satisfies University Core Curriculum Mathematics requirements in lieu of 110 or 101.
Credit Hours: 3
- MATH257 - Concurrent Work Experience
As an instructional aide, the student will do tutoring under the direction of an established teacher and under the supervision of a representative of the Department of Mathematics. Special approval needed from the department. Mandatory Pass/Fail.
Credit Hours: 1-12
- MATH282 - Introduction to Statistics
(University Core Curriculum Course) Designed to introduce beginning students to basic concepts, techniques, and applications of statistics. Topics include the following: organization and display of data, measures of location and dispersion, elementary probability, statistical estimation, and parametric and nonparametric tests of hypotheses. Prerequisite: MATH 108 with C or better. Satisfies University Core Curriculum Mathematics requirement in lieu of 110 or 101.
Credit Hours: 3
- MATH300I - History of Mathematics
(University Core Curriculum) This course examines how diverse cultures and history from the ancient past to the present have shaped the development of mathematical thought and how developing mathematical ideas have influenced history and society. Particular attention will be given to the evolution of the concepts of number and space; the emergence and applications of calculus, probability theory, non-Euclidean geometries and technology; and to the changes in the concept of mathematical rigor. Does not count towards the mathematics requirements of the mathematics major. Open to all students. Prerequisite: MATH 150 or MATH 151.
Credit Hours: 3
- MATH302 - Mathematical Communication and the Transition to Higher Mathematics
A course in communicating mathematical ideas with a special emphasis on reading, writing, and critiquing mathematical proofs. Topics covered include logic, proofs, set theory, relations, functions. Additional illustratory topics will be drawn from linear algebra, number theory, complex variables, and geometry. Prerequisite: MATH 221 and MATH 250 with a grade of C or better.
Credit Hours: 3
- MATH305 - Introduction to Differential Equations
[IAI Course: MTH 912] First-order equations (including initial value problems, basic numerical methods, existence and uniqueness of solutions, separable equations, linear equations, exact equations, substitution methods and applications). Higher-order equations (including the general solution to homogeneous linear equations, linear independence, method of undetermined coefficients, the general solution to linear non-homogeneous equations, variation of parameters, and applications). Power series solutions. Partial differential equations and Fourier series. Prerequisite: MATH 250 with a grade of C or better.
Credit Hours: 3
- MATH311A - Teaching of Secondary Mathematics I
The nature and objectives of the standards-based secondary mathematics curriculum, particularly the means of introducing new ideas into the high school program. An important focus will be state and national teaching and learning standards and the use of technology. Heavy emphasis will be placed on development of formative and summative assessment measures and the use of such assessments in planning future instruction and remediation. For students preparing to be secondary mathematics teachers. Does not count toward a mathematics major in the Colleges of Liberal Arts or Science. Prerequisites: EDUC 313, EDUC 301 and MATH 349, MATH 335 or MATH 433, and MATH 352 with grades of C or better. Concurrent enrollment in MATH 335 or MATH 433 and MATH 352 is permissible.
Credit Hours: 3
- MATH311B - Teaching of Secondary Mathematics II
The nature and objectives of the standards-based secondary mathematics curriculum, particularly the means of introducing new ideas into the high school program. An important focus will be state and national teaching and learning standards and the use of technology. Emphasis in part II will be on the development of a complete curriculum, understanding the secondary curriculum as a dynamic system and the use of standardized testing to adjust curriculum and remediate students. Must be taken in A-B sequence. For students preparing to be secondary mathematics teachers. Does not count toward a mathematics major in the Colleges of Liberal Arts or Science. Prerequisite: MATH 311A with a grade of C or better and MATH 319. Concurrent enrollment in MATH 319 permissible.
Credit Hours: 3
- MATH319 - Introduction to Abstract Algebra I
Basic properties of groups and rings: Binary operations, groups, subgroups, permutations, cyclic groups, isomorphisms, Cayley's theorem, direct products, cosets, normal subgroups, factor groups, homomorphisms, rings, integral domains. Prerequisite: MATH 302 with C or better.
Credit Hours: 3
- MATH321 - Mathematics Content and Methods for the Elementary School III
(Same as CI 321) Modern approaches to mathematics instruction for the elementary grades. Mathematics content focuses on: straight-edge and compass constructions. Justification and proof of geometric properties. Three dimensional geometry. Coordinate geometry. Transformations expressed in coordinate notation. Analysis of linear relationships geometrically and algebraically. Modeling various "real-world" situations by linear equations and inequalities. Setting up and solving equations and inequalities. Exploration of statistical data. Representation of data, interpretation of data, misrepresentation of data. Introduction to the fundamental ideas of statistics; measures of spread and central tendency. Introduction to the fundamental concepts of probability. Counting techniques needed for calculating probabilities. Dependent and independent events. Conditional probability. Odds, expected value. Simulation. Emphasis is placed throughout on reasoning, multiple representations of mathematical concepts, making connections and communication. Prerequisite: MATH 220 or Curriculum and Instruction 220 or equivalent with a grade of C or better.
Credit Hours: 3
- MATH322 - Mathematics Content and Methods for the Elementary School IV
(Same as CI 322) Modern approaches to mathematics instruction for the elementary grades. Mathematics content focuses on: algebra and algebraic thinking, geometry, relations and functions and their applications to real-life problems. Emphasis is placed throughout on reasoning, multiple representations of mathematical concepts, making connections and communication. Prerequisite: MATH 321 or Curriculum and Instruction 321 with a grade of C or better.
Credit Hours: 3
- MATH335 - Concepts of Geometry
Introduction to the foundations of Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometries. Topics include synthetic approach (Euclidean geometry, axiomatic systems, constructions, proofs), symmetries (similarly, congruence and various transformations and their invariants), metric approach (distance), vector space approach (transformations and matrices, inner product), inversive geometry, projective geometry (art and math) and non-Euclidean geometries. Some applications in modern science, such as Relativity Theory, may also be covered. Historical background and connections with other parts of mathematics, science and culture are important components of this course. Prerequisite: MATH 250 with C or better, or MATH 302 with C or better or concurrent enrollment in MATH 302.
Credit Hours: 3
- MATH349 - Introduction to Discrete Mathematics
Numbers, sets, relations and functions; elementary enumeration; introduction to graph theory; logic, partially ordered sets and Boolean algebra; mathematical induction; recurrence relations. Prerequisite: MATH 221 and MATH 250 with C or better; Co-requisite: MATH 302 or prior completion of MATH 302.
Credit Hours: 3
- MATH352 - Theory of Calculus
An introduction to understanding and writing proofs in mathematical analysis, through a careful study of limits, continuity, the derivative, and the integral. Prerequisite: MATH 302 with C or better.
Credit Hours: 3
- MATH380 - Elements of Probability
Probability as a mathematical system. Axioms, permutations and combinations, random variables, generating functions, limit theorems, and Monte Carlo procedure. Prerequisite: MATH 250 and Computer Science 202.
Credit Hours: 3
- MATH388 - Integrated Math Content and Methods for Teachers (PreK-4th Grade)
(Same as CI 388) This course is designed for early childhood and elementary school teachers, focusing on Pre-K through 4th grade mathematics content and methods. Math content covers the developmental progression of concepts and skills in counting and cardinality, numbers and operations in base-ten system, algebraic thinking, fractional reasoning, measurement and data, and geometry. Methods of math teaching are integrated with the delivery of math content. The course showcases standards-based mathematical practices including problem solving, mathematical modeling, communication and justification, use of tools and technology, assessment and interventions, diverse learner support, supportive math environments, lesson planning, and interdisciplinary connections. Prerequisite: C or better in CI/MATH 220 or equivalent.
Credit Hours: 3
- MATH389 - Integrated Math Content and Methods for Teachers (4th-8th Grade)
(Same as CI 389) This course is designed for elementary school and middle school teachers, focusing on 4th-8th grade mathematics content and methods. Math content covers the developmental sequence of grade-appropriate mathematical concepts and skills in number systems, operations and algebraic thinking, ratios and proportional relationships, expressions and equations, functions and applications, measurement and data analysis, statistics and probability, and geometry. Methods of math teaching are integrated with the delivery of math content. The course showcases standards-based mathematical practices including problem solving, mathematical modeling, communication and justification, use of tools and technology, informative assessment, meeting the needs of diverse learners, building supportive math environments, lesson planning, and making interdisciplinary connections. Prerequisite: CI/MATH 388 with a minimum grade of C. Co-requisites: EDUC 319 and EDUC 302.
Credit Hours: 3
- MATH400 - Interest Theory and Financial Derivatives
This course examines financial mathematics and actuarial models for investments including interest, annuities, stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. Preparation for Exam FM. Prerequisite: MATH 250 with grade of C or better.
Credit Hours: 4
- MATH401 - Basic Long-Term Actuarial Mathematics
This course examines actuarial models for life-contingent risks, primarily the insurance of life and long-term health. These models include liability calculations, annuities, and credit risk. Basic properties of survival models are covered. This course prepares students for Exam FAM-L. Prerequisites: MATH 400 and MATH 483 with C or better.
Credit Hours: 3
- MATH402 - Advanced Long-Term Actuarial Mathematics
This course continues the examination of life-contingent risks begun in MATH 401, including multiple contingencies, multiple survivals, pensions, options, and the use of Markov models. This course prepares students for Exam ALTAM. Prerequisites: MATH 221 and MATH 401 with C or better.
Credit Hours: 3
- MATH403 - Basic Short-Term Actuarial Mathematics
This course examines loss models including severity models, aggregate loss, estimation, ratemaking and reserving, and estimation. This course prepares students for Exam FAM-S. Prerequisite: MATH 483 with a grade of C or better.
Credit Hours: 3
- MATH404 - Advanced Short-Term Actuarial Mathematics
This course continues the examination of short-term loss models begun in MATH 403, including estimation, credibility, and extremal value theory. This course prepares students for Exam ASTAM. Prerequisite: MATH 403 with C or better.
Credit Hours: 3
- MATH405 - Intermediate Differential Equations
This course features the study of several sets of differential equations with the aid of computers. The equations are actual applications in biology, chemistry, economics, engineering, finance, medicine and physics. Where possible, problems will be chosen to match student's interests. Students from these areas are particularly welcome. Basic theory of differential equations is cited as needed. Prerequisite: MATH 305 with C or better.
Credit Hours: 3
- MATH407 - Partial Differential Equations
Solution methods for linear partial differential equations arising in engineering and science. Topics include: the heat equation, the wave equation, Laplace's equation, separation of variables, boundary and initial value problems, uniqueness via the energy methods, the maximum principle and characteristics. Solutions to the vibrating string and dissipation of heat in a bar will be discussed. Prerequisite: MATH 251 and MATH 305 with C or better.
Credit Hours: 3
- MATH411 - Mathematical Topics for Teachers
Variety of short courses in mathematical ideas useful in curriculum enrichment in elementary and secondary mathematics. May be repeated as topics vary. Does not count toward a mathematics major.
Credit Hours: 1-6
- MATH412 - Problem Solving Approaches to Basic Mathematical Skills
Content of basic skills at all levels of education and the development of these skills from elementary school through college; emphasis on problem solving and problem solving techniques; determination of student skills and proficiency level. Credit may not be applied toward degree requirements in mathematics. Prerequisite: MATH 321 or CI 321.
Credit Hours: 3
- MATH417 - Applied Matrix Theory
Selected applications of matrices to physics, chemistry and economics. This material is also useful for engineering and computer science. Topics include matrix representation of symmetry groups, non-negative matrices and the subsidy problem, location of eigenvalues. Prerequisite: MATH 221 with C or better.
Credit Hours: 3
- MATH419 - Introduction to Abstract Algebra II
A detailed study of polynomial equations in one variable. Solvable groups and the Galois theory of field extensions are developed and applied to extensions of the quadratic formula, proving the impossibility of trisecting an angle with only a straight-edge and compass, and to the basic facts about finite fields as needed in coding theory and computer science. Prerequisite: MATH 319 with C or better.
Credit Hours: 3
- MATH421 - Linear Algebra
The extension of basic linear algebra to arbitrary scalars. The theory and computation of Jordan forms of matrices (as needed e.g., for certain diffusion equations). Inner products, quadratic forms and Sylvester's Law of Inertia. Prerequisite: MATH 221 with C or better.
Credit Hours: 3
- MATH425 - Introduction to Number Theory
Properties of integers, primes, divisibility, congruences, quadratic forms, diophantine equations, and other topics in number theory. Prerequisite: MATH 319 with C or better.
Credit Hours: 3
- MATH430 - Introduction to Topology
Study of the real line and the plane, metric spaces, topological spaces, compactness, connectedness, continuity, products, quotients and fixed point theorems. This course will be particularly useful to students who intend to study analysis or applied mathematics. Prerequisite: MATH 352 with C or better.
Credit Hours: 3
- MATH433 - Classical and Modern Geometry
Introduction to the foundations of Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometries. Topics include synthetic approach (Euclidean geometry, axiomatic systems, constructions, proofs), symmetries (similarity, congruence and various transformations and their invariants), metric approach (distance), vector space approach (transformations and matrices, inner product), inversive geometry, projective geometry (art and math) and non-Euclidean geometries. Some applications in modern science, like Relativity Theory, may also be covered. Historical background and connections with other parts of mathematics, science and culture are important components of this course. Prerequisite: MATH 250 and MATH 302 with grades of C or better.
Credit Hours: 3
- MATH435 - Elementary Differential Geometry
Introduction to modern differential geometry through the study of curves in R3. Local curve theory with emphasis on the Serret-Frenet formulas; global curve theory including Fenchel's theorem; local surface theory motivated by curve theory; global surface theory including the Gauss-Bonnet theorem. Prerequisite: MATH 221 and MATH 251 with C or better.
Credit Hours: 3
- MATH447 - Introduction to Graph Theory
(Same as CS 447) Graph theory is an area of mathematics which is fundamental to future problems such as computer security, parallel processing, the structure of the World Wide Web, traffic flow and scheduling problems. It also plays an increasingly important role within computer science. Topics include: trees, coverings, planarity, colorability, digraphs, depth-first and breadth-first searches. Prerequisite: MATH 349 with C or better.
Credit Hours: 3
- MATH449 - Introduction to Combinatorics
(Same as CS 449) This course will introduce the student to various basic topics in combinatorics that are widely used throughout applicable mathematics. Possible topics include: elementary counting techniques, pigeonhole principle, multinomial principle, inclusion and exclusion, recurrence relations, generating functions, partitions, designs, graphs, finite geometry, codes and cryptography. Prerequisite: MATH 349 with C or better.
Credit Hours: 3
- MATH450 - Methods of Advanced Calculus
Multivariable calculus fundamental to continuum mechanics, differential geometry, electromagnetism, relativity, thermodynamics, etc. Includes: parametric curves and surfaces, inverse and implicit function theorems, contraction mapping and fixed point theorems, differentials, convergence of multivariate integrals, coordinate systems in space, Jacobians, surfaces, volumes and Green's, Gauss', and Stokes' theorems. Prerequisite: MATH 251 with C or better.
Credit Hours: 3
- MATH452 - Introduction to Analysis
A rigorous development of one-variable calculus providing the tools necessary for understanding all other advanced courses in analysis. Topics include: sets, axioms for the real numbers, continuity, limits, differentiation, the Riemann integral, infinite sequences and series of functions. Additional topics may include areas such as Riemann-Stieltjes integration or the analysis of multivariable functions. Prerequisite: MATH 352 with C or better.
Credit Hours: 3
- MATH455 - Complex Analysis with Applications
Analysis of differentiable functions of a single complex variable. Introduces mathematical techniques used to analyze problems in the sciences and engineering that are inherently two dimensional. Topics include: the complex plane, analytic functions, the Cauchy-Riemann equations, line integrals, the Cauchy integral formula, Taylor and Laurent series, the residue theorem, conformal mappings, applications. Prerequisite: MATH 251 with C or better.
Credit Hours: 3
- MATH460 - Transformation Geometry
Geometry viewed as the study of properties invariant under the action of a group. Topics include collineations, isometries, Frieze groups, Leonardo's Theorem, the classification of isometries of Euclidean and hyperbolic geometries. Recommended elective for secondary education majors in mathematics. Prerequisite: MATH 319 with C or better.
Credit Hours: 3
- MATH471 - Optimization Techniques
(Same as CS 471) Introduction to algorithms for finding extreme values of nonlinear multivariable functions with or without constraints. Topics include: convex sets and functions; the arithmetic-geometric mean inequality; Taylor's theorem for multivariable functions; positive definite, negative definite, and indefinite matrices; iterative methods for unconstrained optimization. Prerequisite: MATH 221 and MATH 250 with C or better.
Credit Hours: 3
- MATH472 - Linear Programming
(Same as CS 472) Introduction to finding extreme values of linear functionals subject to linear constraints. Topics include: recognition, formulation, and solution of real problems via the simplex algorithm; development of the simplex algorithm; artificial variables; the dual problem and duality theorem; complementary slackness; sensitivity analysis; and selected applications of linear programming. Prerequisite: MATH 221 with C or better.
Credit Hours: 3
- MATH473 - Reliability and Survival Models
Introduction to statistical analysis of data on lifetime, including hazard functions and failure distributions; estimation and hypothesis testing in life testing experiments with complete as well as censored data. Prerequisite: MATH 480 or MATH 483 or STAT 483 with C or better.
Credit Hours: 3
- MATH474 - Time Series
An introduction to time series: AR, MA and ARIMA models; estimation, time series models. Prerequisite: MATH 480 or STAT 480 or MATH 483 or STAT 483 with C or better.
Credit Hours: 3
- MATH475 - Numerical Analysis I
(Same as CS 475) Introduction to theory & techniques for computation with digital computers. Topics include: solution of nonlinear equations; interpolation & approximation; solution of systems of linear equations; numerical integration. Students will use MATLAB to study the numerical performance of the algorithms introduced in the course. Prerequisites: MATH 221 and MATH 250 with C or better.
Credit Hours: 3
- MATH476 - Numerical Analysis II
Continuation of MATH 475. Topics include: solution of ordinary differential equations; computation of eigenvalues and eigenvectors; and solution of partial differential equations. Students will use MATLAB to study the numerical performance of the algorithms introduced in the course. Prerequisites: MATH 305 and MATH 475 with a C or better.
Credit Hours: 3
- MATH480 - Probability, Stochastic Processes and Applications I
Introduction to the central topics of modern probability including elementary stochastic processes; random variables and their properties; sum of independent random variables and the Central Limit Theorem; random walks; discrete time finite state Markov chains; applications to random number generators and image and signal processing. Also generating functions, conditional probability, expectation, moments. Prerequisite: MATH 250 with C or better.
Credit Hours: 3
- MATH481 - Probability, Stochastic Processes and Applications II
Continuation of MATH 480. Thorough introduction to Markov processes and Martingales, including the laws of large numbers, classification of states, recurrence, convergence to the stationary distribution in Markov chains, birth processes, Poisson processes, stopping times, and the Martingale convergence theorem. Important and current applications will be included. Prerequisite: MATH 251 and MATH 480 each with C or better.
Credit Hours: 3
- MATH483 - Mathematical Statistics in Engineering and the Sciences
Develops the basic statistical techniques used in applied fields like engineering, and the physical and natural sciences. Principal topics include probability; random variables; expectations; moment generating functions; transformations of random variables; point and interval estimation; tests of hypotheses. Applications include one-way classification data and chi-square tests for cross classified data. Prerequisite: MATH 250 with C or better.
Credit Hours: 4
- MATH484 - Applied Regression Analysis and Experimental Design
Introduction to linear models and experimental design widely used in applied statistical work. Topics include linear models; analysis of variance; analysis of residuals; regression diagnostics; randomized blocks; Latin squares; factorial designs. Applications include response surface methodology and model building. Computations will require the use of a statistical package such as SAS. Prerequisite: MATH 221 and either MATH 483 or STAT 483, with grades of C or better.
Credit Hours: 3
- MATH485 - Applied Statistical Methods
Introduction to sampling methods and categorical data analysis widely used in applied areas such as a social and biomedical sciences and business. Sampling methods topics include: simple random and stratified sampling; ratio and regression estimators. Categorical data analysis topics include: contingency tables; loglinear models; logistic regression; model selection; use of a computer package. Prerequisite: MATH 483 or STAT 483 with C or better.
Credit Hours: 3
- MATH486 - Statistical Computing
This course covers Statistical Computing Software packages such as R and SAS; helps prepare students for SAS certification. Topics include obtaining and analyzing output for regression, experimental design, and generalized linear models. Prerequisites: MATH 484 or STAT 484, and CS 202 both with C or better.
Credit Hours: 3
- MATH490 - Topics in Mathematics
Selected topics in mathematics chosen from such areas as: (a) Financial Mathematics, Mathematical Biology or Actuarial Mathematics; (b) Probability, Statistics or Stochastic Processes; (c) Mathematical topics not including Statistics, such as Operations Research, Cryptography and High Dimensional computing in Numerical Analysis, etc. May be repeated up to 3 times as topics vary. Special approval needed from the instructor.
Credit Hours: 3
- MATH492 - Industrial and Applied Mathematics Clinic
Students will participate in a semester-long project to apply their mathematical knowledge to a problem supplied by a business, industrial, or community partner. Students will work in teams, and will engage in client contact, including a final report of their results to the client. Mathematical modeling, research, communication, and project management skills will be developed, along with core mathematical competency needed to solve the client problem. Prerequisites: MATH 221, MATH 483, and CS 202 with grades of C or better.
Credit Hours: 3
- MATH495 - Special Topics in Mathematics
Individual study or small group discussions in special areas of interest under the direction of a member of the faculty. Special approval needed from the director and instructor.
Credit Hours: 1-6