Changing of Grades

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Grades given at the end of a course are final and may not be changed by additional work or submitting additional materials. When work is completed for a course in which an INC grade has been given, instructors notify the Registrar’s Office of that fact, along with the final grade to be given, by processing a Grade Change Card through the academic dean’s office.

Occasionally, students may wish to question grades given, either for accuracy or for removal of grades in situations when they were unable to perform some required step for reasons beyond their control. Only the assigned instructor for a course has the authority to change a grade except in the instance when the University no longer employs the instructor. Extenuating circumstances, which transcend faculty judgment of the instructor, may be appealed through procedures established by the instructor’s school or college. Matters related to faculty judgment in grading may not be appealed. Any change of grade must be approved and signed not only by the instructor but also by the school director and the dean of the academic unit. In the case of an INC being changed to a final grade, only the instructor’s signature is required.